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Old 02-04-2017, 02:52 PM   #59
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Slave school
Posts: 66
Blog Entries: 42
Default Becoming slave A and losing control of my useless little genitals XXXIV

Dear getDare users,

perhaps you have already read my previous blog update where I briefly mentioned today was “My full day of control”. It was based on a post or a dice dare, published in the Dice dare section of the getDare forum and was created by the user PranaDevil. I would thus like to first thank him for setting up such detailed and creative dare and hope he will not mind altering it a bit.The dare was altered by my Sir so it better suits his wishes, my routine and also the nasty winter weather. I hope PranaDevil will also be kind enough to read this report because it is meant to be a way of publicly saying thank you.

I must admit it was actually my first real dice dare. And of course I got lucky to immediately roll the biggest number of tasks that needed to be completed on “My full day of control”.
Why did I get myself into such trouble? Mostly because I wanted to please Sir, offer him something that may excite him as he will read and see my struggles and my discomfort. Another reason is that I simply wanted to do it and test myself a little bit, learn new things and perhaps also become a bit better slave. I think some tasks really pushed me a lot. Of course perhaps for someone else they will sound very simple but we are all different and staying in diapers for a whole day (my extreme dislike) was a great challenge from the start.

Dear PranaDevil once again thank you and if you think I deserve an additional task as a form of punishment or task for not following your dare in full and adjusting it I am prepared to pay that price and give your thoughts to my Sir.

Now a short summary of my “lucky” rolls:

MY full day of control - slave A

What you wear for morning exercises: Normal working out clothes.
Morning exercises: 40 sit ups.
When will you do the morning exercise: 5:30am.
What to eat - breakfast: Whatever you wish.
How to eat breakfast: You may choose.
What to eat - lunch: Snacks.
How to eat lunch: Your choice, but you have 3 minutes to finish all of your food, whatever is left you don't get to eat.
What to eat - dinner: Plain raw vegetables.
How to eat dinner: Standing.
Shower: No shower.
Underwear: A diaper (change if it leaks)
Top: Your choice.
Bottoms: Nothing, just underwear - diapers (inside), old bottoms (outside).
Feet: Any pair you choose.
How to go to the bathroom to pee, when allowed: Outside of your house.
Bed clothing: The clothes you wore today.
Where to sleep: Bed (with a pillow and a cover).
Time to go to bed: 11pm.
And also a list of tasks:

1. Wash your clothes.
2. Write a blog telling everyone just what a worthless and pathetic slave you are, and why you should be humiliated.
3. Take a bar of soap and scrub your mouth out; you must wait 10 Minutes.
4. Spend an 1 hour following all commands given to you, you do not need to tell anyone that you are doing this, but you may not refuse or say no to anything. (Think like a Yes Man).
5. Use a nail brush and give each of the following areas 2 minutes of solid scrubbing - left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left nipple, right nipple, balls/dick.
6. Clean the windows inside.
7. Act as an animal for a minimum of 1 hour, you may not stand, use the furniture, or even talk during this period.
8. Cover the your cock, knob and balls in toothpaste for 20 minutes.
9. Post an ad begging for a Master/Mistress (I know you already have one), you have 24 hours to decide who to choose, they will be able to use you for 7 Days however they wish (within your limits).
10. Clean the bathroom.
11. Clamp your nipples, spend 20 minutes pulling and twisting on the clamps. Every 5 minutes you are to remove them, turn them 90 degrees, and re-attach them.
12. Masturbate for 20 minutes while watching BDSM porn. Edge only.

The tasks needed to be done in order I rolled them and I needed to finish them by my bed time. If I failed I was afraid I would automatically have to add an extra day onto doing this dare and I really did not want that. Also upon orders from Sir I still needed to keep my daily routine, so carefully planned for me - for the duration of the task I had my finger (inside only) and toe nails varnished, wore a collar and was appropriately marked - Fucked Master’s property. I also had to respect my pee schedule and evening corner time.

“My full day of control” started very early on a Saturday, after a very busy week when I really wished for an easy late morning. Faith decided otherwise so I had to wake up at 5.00 in the morning to prepare for my morning exercise, scheduled for 5:30. It was a big mental blow for me and I must admit getting up so early was not easy but I became a bit more optimistic after sending Sir a message and providing him with a proof of being awake in time.
After a very brief waking up “procedure” I changed into my work out clothes and still a bit sleepy did my 40 morning sit ups. Not much, you may think, but I needed to take a breath after completing 20. Now I really understand why Sir wants me, a weakling, to tone up a bit. It was not that bad but it was yet another blow to my self esteem (other’s came very soon). Before diapering up for the day (fuck, fuck, fuck) I started washing my clothes and used the time available to do my routine 30 min morning edging. Only after finishing it I put on a diaper and went outside into a dark, wet, foggy morning (really wanted to please Sir so I left my collar on) to allow myself the “pleasure” of my first shameful morning pee. It just kept going and going and it made “that darn thing” really wet but far from leaking (so, no change). I tried to keep myself busy and put my mind to rest while having a healthy breakfast.

Clothes were left to dry and I could proceed to my second task - writing a blog telling everyone just what a worthless and pathetic slave I am, and why I should be humiliated. You can see the result in my previous post (For all of you reading this report in the Dice dare section - please follow the link to: It was quite a long and mentally very challenging and degrading task although it looked very simple at the first glance. Afterwards I was almost happy to proceed to a more “physical” task and not another big mindfuck (I was just half right because cleaning my mouth with soap made me wonder even more why I am doing all this, why I am so pathetic to put soap in my mouth and just patiently wait? Such a simple but effective and degrading way of punishing the slave and showing him his rightful place in the world.). I took the bar of soap and scrubbed my mouth (also my first experience). It was not that bad for the first few seconds but then it just turned into a very bad, bitter, artificial taste that remained in my mouth for the next ten minutes. But even after washing my teeth and cleaning my mouth I could still feel the aftertaste.

I headed out for a walk and a cup of coffee with my friends (the soap really ruined the taste) - all very nasty and humiliating: walking, sitting, talking with a wet, moist diaper in public. I thought everyone knew about it, knew about my pee soaked diaper. It was extremely shameful and I felt I am abusing my friends in a way. During this time I spent an hour following all commands given to me (I of course did not tell anyone that I am doing this, but I could not refuse or say no to anything. Thinking like a Yes Man - “more thinking like a total yes slave: Yes, Master”). This was my first lucky part of the day as nothing suitable came up in our conversation. Yes, I had to pass the sugar, go order the coffee and I had to say yes to a lunch invitation I somewhat wanted to avoid. All in all nothing out of the ordinary. I came back home just in time to .. well before entering home once again pee in … in that… the nasty D thing… the diaper “blush”. I hoped I could fill it enough to start leaking but no such luck. It was by then completely full and heavy but I did not want to disobey and just waited for my Master, his orders and instructions.

When Sir returned I got greeted with a message on how many mistakes I made in my blog and as a punishment I had to eat medium spicy pickled peppers - yuck, yuck, yuck. Doable but still disgusting. And I really hope there are not so many mistakes in this update. Only then was I allowed to get rid of the dirty diaper (thank you Sir) and start with my next task.

5. Use a nail brush and give each of the following areas 2 minutes of solid scrubbing - left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left nipple, right nipple, balls/dick.” Task was done and scrubbing made my cheeks, nipples and balls nicely pink so that was not that bad. I am quite sure Sir enjoyed seeing me torturing myself on cam. And he sent me a very big compliment: “pink scrubbed, fuckable ass!”. Wow! It was worth it.

Because my genitals were a tiny bit sensitive (the nipples definitely hurt the most and I could feel even the tiniest breeze) I could clean the windows (from the inside) naked. I must admit I lowered the blinds a bit because in live in a frequent area and lots of people can see in. This time the physical activity helped me relax a bit. Not to mention the time spent without my diaper. Thank you, thank you Sir.
I was now halfway through so I was able to have my 3 minute healthy snack lunch. It was good to get some food in and get some energy for the remaining tasks. And for me they were only getting harder. I was also already dreading the ninth one. But before that I needed to do two more and most of all go pee again … in my new clean diaper. I so wanted to keep it clean for as long as possible but my body once again betrayed me. So I just did what I was allowed to - went out and peed. And like Sir commented: “A big wee, boy!”

Time for task 7: Act as an animal for a minimum of 1 hour, you may not stand, use the furniture, or even talk during this period.
I decided to act as a puppy and even now I can still not completely grasp this experience and how very mixed feelings I have. First I crawled on all fours and explored my apartment from a dog perspective, tried to sniff a few things, wiggled my diapered bum and then suddenly just got extremely bored and lonely. There was no one to see me, no one to call for me, no one to give me commands. In order to overcome these feelings of loneliness and abandonment I tried to play with my ball for a while, before crawling to an improvised doggy basket where I just sat like a puppy, then started moving again not knowing what the time was. I had no access to furniture, no one to talk to, to play with. Just me and my ball. I licked and sniffed myself a few times, even barked but that did not help. It just made me feel more and more desperate. I tried even to get a short nap but then my back started to hurt and I just could not fall asleep. I think doing this task I actually managed to feel like a dog left at home for hours just waiting for the owner to return. I was not a playful doggy, I was not a naughty doggy, I was just a scared, lonely puppy. And when I heard the ping of my Master - a loud adult Woof Woof - I ran to the computer immediately and I swear I could wiggle my tail if I only had one. I was so extremely happy that there is someone. That there is a person. If he could only pat my head in real.

“That is 2 full ones, dirty boy,” was the comment after my next pee. I could not help myself not to blush. Luckily it had to come of for my genital treatment: 8. Cover the your cock, knob and balls in toothpaste for 20 minutes. Nice task for a break is all I can say and “it” liked it a lot as well until the pain got to it. I also got a new clean diaper before my next challenging task that frightened me for a long time:

9. Post an ad begging for a Master/Mistress (I know you already have one), you have 24 hours to decide who to choose, they will be able to use you for 7 Days however they wish (within your limits). I really do not know what to think about this task? Will anyone apply? If so, who should I choose? Will I disappoint my Master? Only questions and so far no real answers. But I should be brave for my Master and just swallow my pride and fears and obey. I have learned so far it is the best and easiest thing to do. Let us hope for the best.
You can find the add here:

After this extremely hard task I deserved a light dinner - raw vegetables - that was eaten standing. But to make thing just a little bit more challenging Sir added another 3 pickled peppers.

By now it was already eight in the evening so I had to go to work again: Clean the bathroom. Not a hard task in itself but after 15 hours I got already a bit tired and the task also had a twist - I had to scrub my toilet with my tongue first. I did not object because I secretly wanted to try it. It was (perhaps even too) clean, so nothing to complain about. “blush”. Finishing this task I only had two left - pain and pleasure:

11. Clamp your nipples, spend 20 minutes pulling and twisting on the clamps. Every 5 minutes you are to remove them, turn them 90 degrees, and re-attach them.
12. Masturbate for 20 minutes while watching BDSM porn. Edge only.

And it was pain. Sir controlled me on cam and I really really wished my nipples would not have already received a deep scrubbing. They hurt like hell and I was really in great pain. Sir, I think, saw both my pain and my effort and cut me a few minutes short. I was then allowed a gentle massage but even touching them was painful again and it took quite some time to breath normally and relax again. It felt like they were on fire, burning really. But at the end “good boy, you did well”. Wow and thank you Sir, Thank you.

And it was pleasure. Luck was on my side once again for this last task. Yes, just edging but it was a big reward and if I have not spunked in 30 days I can do much more and I am thinking very intensely to trade up my potential spunking in 12 days for something much more valuable. But now I am getting too far already.

Last minutes on cam … I could see Sir again. Thank you Sir. What a gift!

18 hours later, finally - time to go to bed. (yes, bed! With a pillow and a cover! And still a sore ass and burning nipples!)

I made it through the day and I am so happy I made Sir satisfied with my today’s work. It was a very long, hard and busy day full of ups and downs but it was all worth it.

Thank you Sir!

Thank you all for reading,
boy A

Last edited by slaveboy28; 02-05-2017 at 06:24 AM.
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