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Old 01-26-2017, 10:06 PM   #3
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Default Harv and Dori, Part 3 of 3

Harv and Dori, Part 3

Breakfast with Ann Marie was wonderful, and not just because I got back to town the night before and had stayed over at her place – she was also pretty good in the kitchen. But things got gloomier when I explained more about my new job.

"I know you have to take it, and its a good opportunity, and its good that you are the youngest deputy team leader in the company," she stated flatly. "But, I, I . . . I know it's maybe premature, but I think we should have talked before you accepted. We are just getting going with something great and it will mean more travel and time away from me." She paused and continued: "I love you Harv. I never felt like this before. I want . . . I want . . . ," and she gradually just stopped talking.

"Me too," I replied, reaching out to hold her hands. "I love you and I want to live with you and start talking about looking ahead, together."

She smiled. "Later. I am not as upset as I was, but I will have to work on it. Right now we both have to go to work. You have to get finished so you can get to the studio for showtime on Gameshow." The smirk appeared. "When I found out you took the promotion, I signed you up for Spanks a Million."

Hours later I arrived backstage. Dori was there in the usual costume with the usual smirk, but I saw something else in the clench of her jaw as she quickly herded me on stage with Female4fun to play Spanks a Million. Ominous title for the game that my darling had signed me up for. And after the last time, I thought she was telling me I should stop playing. What was in her mind?

I was snapped back to reality as the host called out the results: I had to strip for 200 spanks! But wait, there was more: "And I have a note from backstage: as a special award for one of our favourite players, these are changed to spanks to the inside of the legs while facing the audience. We get to see the smacks and the red red skin – and the facial expressions. I'm sure they will all be fabulous! So there we have it: 100 on the inside of each thigh, all hard and close together – MarvHarvey you better hold those tender bits out of the way."

The host went on: "Female4fun will spank first, but not until both contestants have stripped for us."

Great. I had to strip and then stand naked on stage waiting. So I did it one more time. Out to the front, off with clothing and take each piece to the back before going back out to do the next piece. This took time and I could feel the anxiety building. I dropped my thong and turned to the front of the stage – my long lean and naked body walking slowly to my spot on the floor – as host Reptile held out an object, flexing it between his hands.

"The nurse wants us to try something instead of wooden paddles on stage – wood might hurt someone!" Everyone laughed. "Here is our test instrument: slightly flexible plastic stick 17 inches long 2 inches wide and 3-8ths of an inch thick. Female4fun and MarvHarvey will be our testers!" And with that he passed it to me.

I held it while I waited for Female4fun, who was out on the viewing platform in front of the stage. It was as heavy as a piece of hardwood, but a tiny bit flexible. This was not good.

Now it was my turn. As I went out on the platform I saw Dori slip in and sit on the floor in front of the first row of seats. She looked up at me. There was only the smallest smirk and her jaw was set.

Everyone was looking at me as I hefted the stick. I took it in my right hand and laid it on my right thigh, just at the top inside edge of that smooth inner thigh muscle. To get it right I had to stand sort of like an ape, legs apart. I took my left hand and held my soft "tender bits" out of the way. Now or never: I drew it back and snapped it down hard – O M G that hurt. I did it again. I was gasping with surprise at the stinging pain. "Every one good and hard!" called out the host.

There was nothing to do but go for it again with a different plan. No waiting, just continuous smacks. I did 10 and threw my head back, mouth open in silent cry. I switched sides and did it on the other side – a bit more spread out with the left hand. O - M - G this hurt. And I was just starting.

10 more on each side and I was gasping and heaving with the pain in a narrow band about 4 inches wide at the top of each thigh – and it was so tender on that smooth muscle there.

20 in each set this time – line up the spot and then snap that springy stick fast and hard. 40 done 60 to go – on each side.

I realized there were tears on my face and all I could do was go on. During the next set of 20 on each side I was shaking and my aim was a bit off, so the red patches spread, even as the colour deepened at the top.

60 done. My legs were quivering. I was moaning with every breath. I had to go on.

I clenched my teeth and did 20 more on each side. I somehow drove my arm hard hard hard hard . . . . 80 done and I was falling to my knees with the pain. As I was down there I noticed the audience and I was mortified at humiliating myself in front of them. Almost subconsciously I made eye contact with Dori and saw that her smirk mostly faded away. Crying, I got up in my ape position to continue.

Somehow I found the will – but sets of 10 were all I could do. Right and left was 90 done. Legs quivering, knees almost unable to hold me up.

"Close together for the finale!" called out the host. 10 on the right, the arm didn't belong to me. Somehow 10 all on the top 2 inches of deep red thigh. My hands could hardly hold the stick as I passed it to my left hand to finish. I made the arm start and it did 15 before I could stop it – 5 extra???

I was shaking and crying on my hands and knees in front of the audience, while they cheered. Through my tears, Dori was nowhere to be seen.

Eventually the stage hands helped me up and guided me backstage. These were the same guys as before and they grabbed my buns so hard it hurt, but the pain was not as important as the effect it had on my ability to walk. It was humiliating to be half carried like this – but by this time I did not care.

By the time I got dressed, Dori appeared. She barely looked at me: her eyes looked a bit odd and I could not see her face well as she whispered "beer and a burger" before turning away.

I limped down the street to our restaurant, to wait. The regular bartender was there so I asked him: "Hey! It's good to be back! Look, I pulled a groin muscle while I was away, can I have a big bag of ice, please?"

# # # # # #

Ann Marie and I sat in her living room, snuggled as close as we could be. It had been a couple of weeks since I appeared on the Gameshow, the night she cried in her beer when we met at "our" little restaurant for burgers after the show.

Ann Marie had been so sorry for her "Dori" side setting me up to give myself such a humiliating thigh spanking in front of the audience that even after we went home to her place she clung to my arms all night. I cried too – partly for the pain and humiliation I had suffered, but mostly because she was so upset. I loved her no matter what.

Tonight she was ready to talk about it again. We had to. There were changes coming in our lives and we had to figure things out if we wanted to stay together. "So you are getting another promotion, or something, in a less than a month?" she asked.

"Yup," I said. "I can hardly believe it. I the most junior assistant team leader when the leader got sick and left me to work with a tough and hard-nosed client. But when the company said they would send someone senior, the client's Vice President said: 'Ah met wit' the young lad an' he has got a good grip on what he is doin' for us. Let 'im be and I'll give you a call if we need sompthin' more.' And they had never had anything that good from this cranky client before except checks that didn't bounce, so they left me. When we got it done, he sent a letter of recommendation and a request that I be assigned to all our work for his company." I paused.

"Now, they want to give me advanced training – as long as I look after that one client – and will even pay for me to get my next degree and more qualifications. This is a dream and I can't refuse." I paused and blundered on: "Ann Marie I love you. I have to do this, but I want to keep building our life together. We have to make it work. I love you."

"Me too," she said, with soft tears in her eyes. "I also got news this week. The Network is so pleased with my work on this show – despite the two great hosts, the rest of it is very sketchy – that they want me to take on a bigger job: either stage manager of a really big and popular game show, or managing producer of a new one they are trying out. I get to look the shows over and discuss it with them. This is big for me too." She stopped and looked down. "But . . . ."

I spoke to her silence: "Your Dori side was angry and punished me. That's OK. I need that sometimes. It settles me. You know that. In fact it helped me push myself in other things too – and at work – maybe it even helped me be calm with that client. It is me and it is you. Let's be us."

"Yes. I do know that. But if I put Dori away, if there is no Gameshow, can you accept it if I do it? If the real me does it?"

"Yes, Ann Marie, I can and I will. There is no one I would rather have taking control of me."

She grinned: "so maybe it will be better if I do it instead of the stage crew? I certainly like the idea of having you all to myself."

We took a long pause and held each other tight.

"So where will you move to?" I asked.

""Not sure," she said. "But lets look at where you can live for your training – you travel to projects so much that the place might not matter. Then I can look at where my choices are, and we'll find a place."

We smiled at each other and held hands. We put our foreheads together, sighed, and sat up.

I spoke first: "Ann Marie, you know that I need you and want you, and sometimes I need a bit of Dori-Marie too. When you see that, you do what you think is right. It will be. I need to be pushed out of my shell and punished in different ways and humiliated and whatever. And you like to do it. It's not the usual white picket fence, but it is us, so lets share a life together."


The story is complete.
I am just writing to thank all those who read it in the original form, and who read it again in this final edited version. This was a lot of fun to write, coming spontaneously from playing the dares of GetDare GameShow and writing reports as requested by the game. I liked writing the detailed reports, like I do for PM dares, and reliving the feelings of each dare. But they developed spontaneously into a story and characters in the game, and the story went on and the characters made their own way. There was no plan or plot, it just developed. Dori was a real surprise, but she just sort of pushed herself into the story.
Thanks for reading.


Last edited by MarvHarvey; 01-27-2017 at 09:34 PM.
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