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Old 01-08-2017, 02:08 PM   #49
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Slave school
Posts: 66
Blog Entries: 42
Default Becoming slave A and losing control of my useless little genitals XXXII.2

Dear all,

Thank you all for reading my last blog update. As you might have seen, it was the first part of my 32nd blog update and it was meant to be read as an introductory chapter to a report on my first real life meeting with my Sir. I do not think I should go into many details on how the meeting went. I just wanted to offer you a small insight on how everything started - how I was able for the first time to see, touch, smell and really experience my Master. But what went on, what happened behind closed doors, should also stay there (it would also be perhaps too much for me to relive the whole experience again after I barely calmed down. Yes it was that good, that satisfying but also that hard, demanding and as always in life full of ups and downs.) It was my three month journey concentrated into three beautiful days - and nights “smiles”.

Thus I would like to use this opportunity to look at my journey and meeting from a different perspective. It may not be juicy enough for some, it will not be full of kinky details or steaming hot intimate moments (after all there is a reason why we call them intimate) but I find it very important to express my feelings, thoughts, lessons I have learned. This journey was to a great degree a life changing lesson/experience and the meeting itself was in no way different.

I can not yet tell you whether this means this update is also a concluding chapter of my journey, but it definitely is a concluding chapter of a three month long travel into a world of submission. And after loosing control (of my useless little genitals), becoming slave A, trying to learn as much as possible (about Sir, myself, BDSM etc.) and meeting Sir in real life it is time to write this update, having some sort of a conclusion in mind. Real life meeting could thus be considered also as a final destination. I am now returning home, recalling the moments, rethinking the whole experience, trying to overcome the feelings of being somehow lost in the world again, being once again physically away from Sir (I can still smell him all over my body. He is my nostrils, my clothes, my mind. And it is a strong, dominant smell I enjoy so much). But I know … I hope this final destination is final to a point. That I will be given a chance to learn more - continue my lessons in slave school with Sir as my teacher and headmaster -, to dig deeper into the world of submission, to explore this (previously hidden) personality and embrace it as part of who I am.

I would like to see this conclusion as a new beginning.

What I would like to share with you dear readers and followers is what I learned so far. I do not want to be big headed, I do not consider myself special in any way. Quite the opposite - really just an ordinary guy who is trying to face his fears, demons but also his needs. They simply are needs and they erupted to the outside world after a very long time, after searching for so long.

My last chapter ended with the words it is never “just” fiction. And we tend to sometimes forget this when being, talking and communicating online. Our communication always has consequences in the real world. We sometimes just do not see them (immediately). Cyberspace is not completely disconnected from reality and it has it’s traps. But this time it also provided me with an opportunity to really dig deep, to find someone I can trust and explore something unimaginable months ago.

Thank you Sir.

I made an even bigger step (and I am so happy to found the courage to do it, so lucky to have met Sir) and decided to meet a person in real. It was not an easy decision and it was definitely not something that was done after my first conversation with Sir. Not even after a week or a month. It took me more than three months. And I have no regrets waiting - I was and still am very green, a newbie. This was also visible at the meeting and I only feel grateful Sir understood this. Was in no way judgemental, allowed me to take some time off, to relax, to focus, but also to clearly explain to me what I did wrong. And some mistakes were extremely serious. It must have been a tough and demanding job for him, so once again a great thank you to Sir. We really talked a lot and I now more and more understand how important honesty is, even when it comes to your own shortcomings. And this is extremely hard, especially for me, as I am a person who rarely trusts or opens up, who is always cautious. I believe no matter how experienced one is, a good deal of caution when meeting people in real world is needed. Especially if you met them online. You never know. And it takes time to know them, at least to a point you trust them and are sure the things they are saying really are true. If you have doubts online, how will you be able to cope offline?

But I trusted Sir to a point I offered him my virginity. And he took it. It was a humbling experience. One to remember, to look back and simply say: wow, it was everything I hoped for. No regrets, no bad feelings.

I am not unique and my journey may be very similar to your own journeys but what I am is another living proof that wonderful, experienced, patient people can be met online. Yes even on getDare. So be optimistic, but also be careful. No need to rush. (As you like juicy details - just like I did not rush having an orgasm. I waited 57 long days. And it was worth it!!). And being a novice it is even more important to find a person who is generous enough to share his knowledge, his experience. Sir is doing this all the time, trying to educate me on the world of SM. And I did get a very very important lesson. Safety first. I will have to work on this even harder, educate myself also by reading, trying to understand different mechanisms… And Sir provided me with lots of material to take to my slave school.

Meeting in real, exploring your submissive (or Dominant) side must always come with having safety in mind. Asses the risks, try everything you can to prevent potential damage and never push it to hard. Fantasy is one thing, reality is another.

And when you find your Master, listen, clarify and do as told (again within limits and reason). It is really one of the best advice I can give you in my blog - a blog which was never intended to be just some detailed experience of lusting for Sir. It really is a blog of new explorations and discoveries. A travel blog!

Each travel changes you. And I think I have become a stronger person. I am no expert, do not think I now know everything (I am maybe at thirty percent at most), but I am just a bit knowledgable, a bit stronger and more assure of myself. And that is what I hope you noticed as well. I am not searching praise, just trying to evaluate the boy from blog number I and a boy, a fucked, used slave from blog XXXII. They are the same, but again very different. That is why I was not afraid to use the words - life changing.

What a journey… what a Sir… what wonderful days. Serving him, his needs and demands, his beautiful body. Thank you Sir for taking me, for giving me this opportunity. I desperately hope you will continue to train and mold me, now you know me a tad more. To become not just a better slave who’s only job is to pleasure his Master (“yes Master”) but also to become a stronger, more educated person in the world of kinks.

It was hard, but nothing in life is ever easy. And with great effort comes great reward. Seize the moment dear readers, explore, travel, go on a journey (perhaps even share it).

Thank you all for your comments and your support. You were great readers, kind supporters and I wish you will also have the opportunity to have such a great experience. I do not know what happens next - a new blog perhaps? Less updates but more time for Sir? I will need a few more days to say. A few more days to fully grasp what happened and also to understand, process this anticlimactic moment that followed my departure. Sir warned me it will happen, but I never expected it to be so strong. But how could I not as the whole meeting was such an out of the world experience? It is now time to come back to earth, return to school, learn, work hard to be able to see Sir again, to pleasure him again, worship his moobs, his body, his suckable toes. To become more fuckable not only by loosing just a bit more weight (Sir is no extremist and his first concern always is my health) but also by trying to learn what Sir enjoys most, by trying to get in shape. It is time to work again. Time to store my useless little genitals back where they belong. In chastity. To fully focus on Sir.

Thank you Sir. Thank you so much.

Thank you all and please be so kind to leave your comments, perhaps ask questions, express your opinion. You were very helpful in the past and I would also like to hear what you think of my journey after coming back home.

Gratefully yours,
boy A
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