Thread: Male DICE TRUTH
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Old 01-06-2017, 04:25 AM   #234
Distinguished Member
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1~Roll one six-sided die. The number you get is how many different questions you must answer from each of the seven levels.


2~On each level, roll the number of times you were told to in step one (ex: if you rolled a three in step one, you would roll three times in level one, two, three, etc) (There is no repeating questions. If you roll a ive twice, you don't answer question five twice. You reroll until you get a new question!


What color are your eyes? Blue
What's your operating system(Windows 95, Mac OSX?)? Windows 10
What's your favorite band? The Oh Hellos
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Robert Downey Jr.
What's your favorite movie? The Martian

What kind of underwear are you wearing? None
What color of underwear are you wearing? Invisible? What's the color of nothing?
What's your sexuality? Bi-leaning towards straight
Do you have an erection right now? No
What city do you live in (I don't need country or state, just a city)? Lakewood

How often do you masturbate? Close to every day
How long is you *flaccid/limp* penis? Maybe about two inches? I've actually never measured it limp
Dildo or vibrator? I'd probably go vibrator.
Chains or leather? Leather
What is your most odd fetish? Not really sure what I'd classify as my oddest fetish... On here, very little seems odd

What's the farthest you've gone with a girl? Sex and some very light BDSM
What's the farthest you've gone with a guy? Sex
What kinds of sex toys do you own? A lot. Dildos, a vibe, a gag, plugs, nipple suckers, and a fuckable toy are the most notable ones.
If you got hold of your dream celebrity, what *exactly* would you do to them? Something consensual and legal
What's the farthest you've gone with a family member? A platonic leg massage or a loving peck

Lvl5: BONUS ROUND 1~In bed:
Zac Efron or Leonardo di Caprio? Di Caprio all the way
Lubed or dry? Lubed
Anal or oral (giving)? Probably oral
Naked or underwear? Naked
Condom or bare? Condom

Lvl6: BONUS ROUND 2~ On your penis:
Toothpaste or blood? Toothpaste. Blood is gross and probably not sanitary
Peanut butter or caramel? Caramel. It's stickier and tastes better
Salt or pepper (on glans/head)? Pepper, because it's less granular
Glue or duct tape? Duct tape
Rubbing alcohol or red ants? I can at least control Rubbing Alcohol

Lvl7: BONUS ROUND 3~Anal:
Ice or enema? Depends on how much/what kind of each. Probably an enema
Walnut or pecan? Huh. Not a question I was expecting unless I'm missing something. Walnut
Penis or dildo? Dildo.
2 aspirin tablets or 2 antacid tablets? Once again I find myself a little confused. I guess aspirin? Do either of these have some effect I don't know of when used as suppositories?
Another guy's urine or 8 other guy's semen? Gotta be honest. I'm super curious what it'd be like to be pissed in...

Likes: Creative Dares, Bets, Anal, Trap/Trick Dares, Trying New Things, Bladder Control, Loss of Control, Diapers, Power Exchange
Dislikes: Pain, Tedious, CBT
Limits: Illegal, Blood, Puke, Public

Send me things to add to my Kinky wishlist!
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