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Old 10-07-2011, 11:38 AM   #13
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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What is going to happen next?

Find out now in ………


"Watch out for the window," screamed Rexy with a fearless roar as they hit a ramp and went hurtling through the night. Higher and higher they flew, before coming to land on some soft grass outside.

Bump, they went, with the car shattering into a thousand pieces behind them.

"This is where we have those teddy bear picnics," laughed Billy Bear, remembering the time he had sat opposite Rachie looking up her short black skirt and seeing her pantyless holes.

The two teddies sat excited smelling the fresh air and watching the big black fluffy sheep floating across the sky.

"Do we need to race off and find the garage?" asked Rexy, believing that was the only sensible thing to do.

The answer was "Okay," and another weird shake of the head from Billy.

"Sorry, Rusty," the two fluffy things cried as they jumped to their feet and ran off as fast as their paws would carry them.

It didn't take them long to find the garage and a relieved party of teddies sat besides the rocket. They were happy Billy and Dan O Saurus were safe.

"I think it's time we went to find Roary's roar," said Star Cow.

With everyteddy agreeing they hopped back into the colourful rocket and asked MIss Piggy for a special coin, inserting it into the correct slot they zoomed way up high towards the fluffy sheep.

"Watch out for those sheep," cried Star, before screaming, "Mooo-ve to the left, mooo-ve to the right. I think the moooo-ment is right to fly straight between them - we need mooooo-re speed!"

Floppy did just that, and the acceleration from the Rocket was phenomenal. Billy and Rexy thought they had been travelling at some speed on Rusty moments earlier, but it was nothing compared with this.

"What are we going to do to pass the time?" asked a polite young cow called Cuddles.

"Well, we could continue our game of truth or dare," answered Floppy, who was sat busy flying the spacecraft through the sky.

The teddies all giggled as they realised this could be a special trip indeed. Looking out the various shaped windows they were amazed at all they could see.

"Okay, who's gunna go first?" asked Quackers

"I dare everyone to hold a full glass of water between their legs for the next ten teddy minutes," cried Panda, not waiting to be told who's go it was, or even ask if they wanted a truth instead.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting," cried star, who really was wobbly on her feet. She could hardly stand up for a minute without falling over.

The teddies all looked around for glasses and went to the magical rocket kitchen to fill them up with water. Everyteddy on the main floor other than Floppy and Panda soon had a full glass of water ready to attempt the dare.

Floppy really was a careful rocket driver, and there was hardly a jolt as he changed direction ever so slightly. "This is going to be easy, if the rocket is as still as this," thought Froggie out loud.

Rexy sat there wanting a little more fun. How could he have this? he thought to himself. Suddenly an idea came to him. "RAWR," he yelled at the top of his voice.

A few of the teddies jumped and spilt the ice cold water all over themselves. But the worst teddy affected was Billy, who wet himself with fear. Luckily he was wearing a diaper to catch his bear wee.

Thank goodness he was wearing it or there would have been pee flying through the air everywhere, as even little bears have a lot of urine to deposit.

Some of the teddies sat with wet fur, feeling a little annoyed at the trick Rexy had played. The rest of the teds remained with the water between their legs laughing at all that had just happened.

"Seven teddy minutes left," yelped Floppy.

"Wow look at that big yellow ball," croaked Froggie, as he looked out the window at the passing sun.

"This flying is easy, I think I could do it with my eyes shut," said Floppy showing off his skills by taking his feet off the controls.

"Okay, if you’re that good, I dare you to fly it on your own while blindfolded."

"Okay, whatever," answered Floppy, not wanting to be outdone.

"What can we use as a blindfold?" asked cuddles, as he began to search the various different drawers in the colourful rocket.

"I know what we can use to blindfold Floppy," croaked Froggie.


What are they going to use to blindfold froggie?

Keep reading Teddies Adventures for answers.

PS - There maybe a photo inserted in the comming days (depends if can find items/teddies required) Been ill since tuesday and halted progress.


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