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Old 10-03-2011, 08:11 AM   #11
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Thank you for everyone that has read and commented and my proofer Leo. All support is wonderful.

How will Blly and Rexy's train ride go?

Find out now in ........


With his teddy fluffy area sat in position the sucking began to take place.

"You need to pull that lever to start the train," said Dan O Saurus Rex.

Looking up he noticed the barking giant rushing towards Billy and the train. As quick as a flash he jumped down, onto the train where Billy was moving the lever forward.

"OMTG (Oh my teddy god) if this is what a blow job feels like, I'm in heaven." The sucking from the train had stopped and instead a fierce blowing was in place, with Billy's balls being affected badly.

With the two teddies on board, the train was ready to start. Billy turned the key and pulled the choke and off they went in a cloud of smoke. The train set off with record speed with different coloured balls shooting out the back of the train.

The barking thing was left trailing behind panting as he tried to keep up with the teddies.

"Nearly half way to the door," screamed Rexy as he watched the escape go as planned.

"Oh dear, oh dead, oh dear," said Billy moment after.

"What's the problem?" asked Rexy puzzles as everything seemed to be going as well as well could be.

"My balls are getting sore with all this sucking and blowing, I don't think I can stand much more," answered Billy, looking down at the hairy things below him.

It wasn't long before Billy had to admit defeat. The two teddies had to think quickly. There first choice was to jump on Rocky the rocking horse.

Rocky made good progress and they once again left the woofy thing trailing behind, barking frantically as he tried to catch his teddy tea.

Once again there plan was foiled as Rocky began to get tired. They both asked themselves if they could think of a better plan. Looking up, they noticed Fe Fe the black and White cat. The teddies had always been close friends with Felix, who often slept at the bottom of their bed and gave them a bath with his long pink tongue.

Picking up one of Leo's lost crutches (straws) the two teddies rushed toward the cuddly fe fe cat as fast as their furry legs would carry them.

"Climb up his tail, climb up his tail!" they shouted to each other in a mad panic.

Once the teddies were there they had to think fast; the train and the horse ideas hadn't worked out, perhaps this would be there last chance.

"Pussy bondage," shouted Billy. "I heard Rachie say something about it in the past. Just give me a teddy minute to think."

"We haven't got a teddy minute to waste, hurry!" screamed Dan O Saurus, watching the monster get closer and closer.

"Oh, yes," cried Billy. "Rachie says something about pussies, bondage, makes you forget about everything. I think it's where you whip them or something," Billy continued, trying to make heads and tails of what he'd been told.

The two teddies both firmly sat on fe fe's back, and within a split second Billy grasped the straw in his furry paws and slammed it down onto the pussy.

There was the loudest moan (meeeooowww) any teddy had ever heard before he rushed to his feet and began to run at record speeds.

"It's working," cried BIlly ecstatically as he remembered being told by Rachie that you moan if it's done right.

"Do it again, do it again," rawred Rexy who was having a Dino of a time.

Billy again grasped the straw tight and gave the pussy another whack as hard as his teddy powers would let him. The pussy went faster and faster as the two teddies grasped his collar.

"So this is what collars are for," said Billy, who was learning something new all the time.

Felix shot out of the room like a cat on heat with the teddies laughing and giggling as they thought about their adventure. Down the hallway they went at record speed. No teddies have ever travelled as fast.

"Sugar lumps," Rexy cried.

"What's the matter"? Replied silly Billy confused again.

"L— l— look," sputtered Rexy, letting go of Billy's back for the first time to point in front of them.

Billy looked in front, and noticed to his horror ......


What did Billy notice?

Keep reading Teddies Adventures for more fun and laughter.


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