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Old 09-23-2011, 11:53 AM   #7
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Thank you for over 100 replies/comments in just 9 days.

What will happen in the morning?

Find out now in ........


Dan O Saurus Rex was the first to wake up the next morning, totally forgetting about the DVD with the sight in front of him.

“Wow.” He could hardly believe his eyes – he asked himself if he was still dreaming as he waved his tail frantically.

"RAWRRR," he roared waking everyteddy up,

Everyteddy had one thought - except Floppy, who's wishes over night had actually come true. He was asked what he wanted for tea and beyond everyone's belief he had actually got it.

The dust that had sprinkled from the bag onto of his bone and the rocket had magically managed to make it grow far, far bigger than was ever imaginable.

"This must be a sign sent down from above, to help us all find Roary's lost roar," yelped Floppy, who was as excited as anyone imagining they would be able to fit inside the rocket and travel up into space.

"So are we going to fly that thing?" asked Billy, totally forgetting what it was called.

"Cool," roared Dan O Saurus Rex. "I have always wanted to fly and sing. It's going to be so cool.”

"I said thing, not sing," said Billy, trying to get Rexy to understand.

"I want to fly in the rocket, not fly with a wing," Rexy muttered unhappily, as he believed he wasn't going to be allowed in the rocket.

"I said thing - not sing and not wing but THING!" yelled Billy.

This time Dan O Saurus heard perfectly fine and gave a wide smile made his jaw look scary but friendly at the same time.

"Who is going to be brave enough to go into the rocket first?" asked Panda, hoping he wasn't going to be the one that was nominated.

The rocket was so colourful with 5 different shaped cut outs for different shaped teddies to climb through.

"I'll go first," yelped Floppy, who understood if the rocket took off unexpectedly he could glide back down to teddy town with use of his gigantic ears.

“Don't forget the magic powder,” Panda cried, believing it may be important when out in space.

Floppy slowly tried to shove his favourite bone into the rocket, but it was just no use. It had grown to such a size it was just impossible.

"Stupid bone," he eventually yelped wishing it was back to its normal size again, or at least just for a minute or two.

As the bone wouldn't fit, Floppy decided to try and post himself through the circle shape which had luckily grown bigger with the use of the magic powder.

Panda then stuffed the bag of magic powder through the square.

The rest of the teddies all scrambled on board too, determined not to be the only teddy to miss out on an adventure of a lifetime.

Roary was still very sad at having lost his roar. He was however grateful for all the work his friends had done to try to help him recapture it.

There were only two teddies not on board when .......

TO BE CONTINUED ...........

Who wasn't onboard?

What will happen next?

Keep reading Teddies Adventures for more cuddly fun.


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