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Old 09-21-2011, 03:37 AM   #5
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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How brave will Dan O Saurus be?

Find out now in ....


Nervously, Dan O Saurus crawled to the end of the comfy bed where he had landed. Was he really going to be brave enough? What would he do if he came face to face with a troll or a monster?

Lifting up the valance sheet, he stared into one of the darkest scariest places in teddy town. With everything looking far darker than he had ever imagined.

“Can i have the pig?” he asked.

Taking hold of it he began to venture into the unknown.

What would he find? Would he come out alive?

As the valance sheet came down behind him, trapping Rexy in complete darkness, he gave a shudder and turned the pig on.

Glowing brightly, Dan O Saurus began to feel brave. "I can do it, I can do it," he repeated as he searched everywhere for clues while being relieved that his dare had started and would hopefully be over soon.

There was loads of junk under the bed, old games, crisps packets, a few books, and a bright pink box that stated "ADULT TOYS, DO NOT ENTER." Kicking a DVD out of the way that slid easily under the valance sheet and to the teddies, he wondered how much further the darkness would go on for.

Suddenly Rexy's fluffy stuff ran dry as he saw something. It was a book with a picture of a rocket on the front. The Answers Lie in Space was written across the front in big letters.

Grabbing the book, Dan O Saurus Rex began to tug and pull it to the edge of the bed.

"ARRRRR," screamed the teddies as the valance sheet slowly came to life once again. "IT'S A TROLL or a MONSTER, they have eaten poor Rexy," the different teddies cried as they dashed around in a mad panic.

"Hold on, hold on," cried Panda in the end as he noticed the blue fluff of Rexy's fur skin.

"It's Dan O Saurus, is it really you?" asked the teddies, hoping he hadn’t been captured.

To everyone's greatest relief, Rexy seemed fine and had what looked like clues.

"What you got there?" asked Panda looking at the book with interest.

"Well I thought it was interesting, as the words say the answers lie on space," answered Rexy.

"Does anyone know what space is?" asked Floppy with his big ears hanging besides him as he listened to every word everyteddy said.

"I know," answered Billy, feeling he wasn't silly anymore. Everyone stared at Billy wondering what he would have to say.

"What do you know?" asked the teddies as they waited in anticipation at discovering something new.

"Well I have heard Rachie talk about space before - she told me it's this great big long thing that you keep having to press. Something like a bar, I think I recall," said Silly Billy.

"Oh I know what a bar is," interrupted Dan O Saurus Rex. "A bar is a bit of chocolate, they make people fat."

"Oh, so the answer can be found when we get fat," growled Floppy.

"No I've heard that a bar is a place where you go to drink, I think they call it a pub too."

"So we need to find a pub that sells chocolate?" wondered Panda.

Meanwhile Dan O Saurus began scanning through his book expecting it to tell him where the place they were looking for was situated.

There was a big picture of a round green and blue circle which said YOU ARE HERE in bold capital letters. All around here was black except for a small picture of a rocket with the word rocket besides it. The big blackness had the word SPACE clearly listed.

"Hey every teddy come here," Rexy shouted.


What will the teddies do next?

Keep reading Teddies Adventures for answers?


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