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Old 12-31-2016, 03:27 AM   #5
Truth or Dare Junkie
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I saw the 10 minutes and decided to do the next level: 15 minutes.

To start I decided to up the ante just a bit: no clothes, nose against wall - holding a coin (plastic so it doesn't mark the wall like metal ones often do).

Set timer and start:
Immediately I started to wonder how it would be physically - would I feel cold? the heat is was on. I stretched up with my hands on my head and felt my back crack.

My shoulders creaked with the stretch. One in particular. I gave it a good workout a couple of days ago doing a laundry chore that I might call gathering socks (don't ask) and almost every day it gets some work shoveling snow, of which we seem to be building inventory almost every day. Holding my shoulders up like this feels sort of good as it lets them roll into proper alignment. OK so corner time is good. Yes it is.

And wasn't this a silly thing to do? Standing naked against a wall just for something or someone on the far distant shores of the inter-webbery? What else can I think about while standing here? Sigh.

Think about BvG and how the dynamic of the play seems to go. There is somehting odd in the balance of that game. But it is hard to be rational and analytical like that when feeling silly standing naked against a wall and your nose hurts from pushing against the wall. Since I started it, I don't want to drop the coin. So I wait.

My back and ribs have been feeling the strain (socks and snow!) of stretching upward and holding my spine straight. And once standing you are stuck - limited movement possible! Sigh.

Waiting waiting. Hold shoulders up and back in proper form - this will at least be useful in helping them feel better, and not just feeling better because the corner time is over! Just keep thinking about that.

BING BING - suddenly it is over. All I feel is relief. I do think that I will have more snow to do today, but at least it is party time and I don't think I have any "socks" to gather.

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 12-31-2016 at 07:33 AM.
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