Thread: Fiction: A winter's tale
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Old 12-29-2016, 03:24 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 296
Blog Entries: 1

I wandered back to the room when I had finished my coffee. It was dark outside now, and the time was approaching 7pm. As I entered the room, I realized for the first time that we would have to coordinate our showers carefully so that we all had enough time. Luckily, it seemed that Meg was already in there, as Phoebe was lying on her bed again and the shower was going. I noticed with surprise that the door to the bathroom was slightly open and steam was coming out.

'It's so that the smoke alarm doesn't go off', Phoebe said, seeming to notice what I was thinking. 'Hey, who cares, we're all girls right?', she said with a smile. Yeah we're all girls, I thought to myself with an inward smile. Phoebe had wet hair and I guessed she had already taken her shower. She was wearing jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt.

'You're next in the shower by the way', she said.

'Cool, thanks'

'You're a pretty awesome skier', she said as I sat on the floor to talk to her.

'Thanks, I started learning when I was like 5 years old', I told her, 'and I think I've skied every year since'.

'Ever snowboarded?', she asked.

'Yeah a few times but I prefer skiing. I also do some Nordic skiing every time I so on vacation up here'

'That's cool, I've tried it a few times but it's too much like hard work' she said. 'Can I have your number by the way?' Phoebe asked, handing me her phone. I punched it in and she called me. I entered the number as "Phoebs".

We chatted for 5 minutes about skiing and snowboarding until Meg came out of the bathroom, wearing jeans and a bra. 'All yours Shan', she said. I was surprised she called me 'Shan' but I quite liked it. I felt accepted by her. I looked her up and down. She was slim and lithe, about 5'10, a good 3 inches taller than me. Her wet hair was stuck to her face and shoulders. I sneaked a glimpse at her midriff, and saw that she was in great shape, not as toned as Phoebe or myself, but completely flat on her abdomen. She pulled a shirt out of the closet and buttoned it up, tying it at the waist just above her navel, which was pierced.

I grabbed a towel and a pair of jeans and some underwear, and got into the bathroom. It was steamy and hot, and the floor was wet. I turned on the shower, which ran hot straight away. I quickly got undressed and soaked under the warm water. After I had finished washing my hair, I gave my legs and underarms a quick shave and soaked for a few more minutes.

After toweling off and putting on some clothes, I left the bathroom and looked for a t-shirt on my shelf. I didn't feel at all awkward or uncomfortable in front of my new friends, especially as I had seen them both in the exact same state of undress. Phoebe was now sitting on the floor drying her hair with a hairdryer.

'I like your jeans Shan', Meg said.

'Thanks, it's the first time I'm wearing them' I replied. I opened the closet and looked in the full length mirror at how they fit me. I liked my physique. Blonde hair, medium sized chest, long toned legs and a pert rear. It all added up to a body that often got compliments, even if a lot of them were unwelcome.

'Did I miss Rhiannon?', I asked Meg.

'No, she didn't come back to get changed actually', Meg said.

'Is she not going to be a bit sweaty after the day?' I asked.

'Ha, yes, but I don't think she cares'.

'Oh yeah, you said he wasn't worth it right?', I remembered.

When I had finished dressing, I found my own hairdryer and joined Phoebe on the floor.

'So do I really have to do this forfeit?', Meg asked.

Phoebe stopped her hairdryer for a moment, looked in her in the eye, raised her eyebrow disapprovingly and nodded once.

'Fine, I'll do it, just get me drunk first yeah?'

'Speaking of getting drunk, why haven't we opened a bottle yet?', Phoebe asked. For a moment I wondered how they had got hold of alcohol, seeing as they were under the age of 21, then remembered that the drinking age in British Columbia was 19.

'Let's grab one', Meg said, and leaned out of the window. I wondered what was happening until she brought in a bottle of vodka that had clearly been kept on the window ledge in the absence of a fridge.

'Great idea', I said, eager to get some spirits inside me. Meg poured out some soft drinks into plastic cups and then added a good amount of vodka into each. I took my cup, thanking her, and winced at how strong she had made it.

Once our hair was dry, we chatted while sipping our vodka.

'Who else is coming tonight then?', I asked Meg and Phoebe.

'Rhiannon when she's finished her date, then I think Ryan said he would be coming up. Anyone else?', Phoebe asked Meg.

'No one else yet but I whatsapped Charlie and Johnny, and also Livy and Zoe'. There were too many names for me to remember now. I was kind of hoping that this event stayed small, so that I could get to meet everyone slowly without getting overwhelmed. 'Oh wait, Charlie and Livy have both said they can't come, and Zoe says she might meet us later'. Thank God.

We were now on our second drinks and the first lot of vodka had gone to my head.

'Shall we order our pizza then?', Phoebe asked.

'Always hungry aren't you Phoebs?', Meg replied, pulling up a menu for a take-out place on her phone. 'What do you like Shan?' she asked me.

'I'll eat anything, but I might not manage a whole one', I replied.

Phoebe cheered, 'that's what she said!'. Meg scowled sarcastically at her and I blushed a little.

'You know what I meant!', I corrected myself.

We placed our orders and an extra for Ryan who still hadn't arrived.

'I want Ryan's if he doesn't come!', Phoebe said. I took my chance to get back at her with a similar joke.

'I bet you do!', I said with a smirk. Phoebe took the joke well and laughed along with it.

'The funny thing is, she actually does!', Meg said, with a smile on her face and without looking up from the phone.

'Oh shut up you bitch!', Phoebe retorted, stepping across the room and pushing Meg backwards playfully.

'Wait have I missed something?', I asked, slightly confused.

Both laughed and Meg explained, 'Phoebs has a bit of a crush on Ryan'.

'I so don't!' Phoebe said, returning to her bed. 'He's cool and we hang out but I don't like him like that!'

'So do!', Meg jested.

'I guess he's hot', I said, keen not to be left out of the conversation. 'I mean he's pretty cute looking'

'I agree', said Phoebe, 'but that doesn't mean I have a thing for him!'

'Whatever!', Meg joked.

Meg's iPhone pinged as she received a message. 'Speak of the devil', she said, 'Ryan's on his way up now'. We decided between us to clear up the room a bit before he arrived. This involved pushing clothes under beds, stuffing ski jackets into the closet and pulling the sheets over the beds untidly.

Ryan knocked on the door and pushed it open.

'Evening guys, how are things?'

'Good thanks, we've ordered you a pizza as well, I hope you like pepperoni?', Meg said as he sat down on Phoebe's bed next to her.

'Yeah perfect, who's shout is it?', he asked.

'I got these, you can pay me back later I'm not worried', she said.

'Cool, how were your last runs of the day? I noticed you guys practically racing down the hill on your last go? What was the rush?', he remarked.

Phoebe scoffed and Meg smirked. I almost spat out my mouthful of vodka and pepsi.

'Care to explain Meg?', Phoebe asked provokingly.

'Err, go on Shan, you tell him', Meg looked embarrassed.

'Hey what's going on?', Ryan asked with a smile.

I laughed before explaining, 'well we were racing, in fact we were racing to not be the last one down the hill, because...', I tailed off, wondering if Meg would mind me telling him.

'Because? Let me guess, there was a forfeit?', Ryan guessed correctly.

'Uhuh, to buy the first round of drinks in the bar, and also...', I looked at Meg who nodded, 'and also to skinny dip in the pool once it's closed tonight!', I blurted out.

Ryan gave a slow smile and looked about him, 'and who lost then?', he asked, and I sensed an eagerness to know that what was poorly concealed.

'I did', Meg said behind him, and Ryan made eyes at Phoebe and I.

'Too bad', Ryan said with a laugh, putting his hand on Meg's knee and giving her leg a shake. 'You'll just have to be quicker next time'. Ryan really was cute, and if Phoebe had a crush on him I could see why. I offered him a drink and he accepted. He had dark brown hair, that was neither long nor short, styled to stand up at the front. He had a strong jaw and big brown eyes. He was easily over 6 feet tall, and built as you'd expect a skier to look, lean and powerful, but somehow graceful in his movements as well.

I filled up everyone else's cup at the same time, and we toasted my arrival. Meg's phone pinged again, and she announced the arrival of the pizzas in the lobby downstairs. Ryan offered to go and collect them.

'So, now that the pizzas are here and we've had a bit of a warm-up drink', Phoebe said, 'I reckon it's time to play the newbie game!'

'The newbie game?' I asked, wondering on what it could be.

'Yep, nothing scary before you start worrying. It's not some weird initiation or anything! Every time a newbie joins the group, we play a game of "I have never" to break the ice and get to know them, and for them to get to know us too', she explained. I had played the game before with my high-school friends. 'But of course, it's a drinking version! Whoever has done the thing that is said, has to take a drink, got it?'.

'Sure', I answered.

'Now, is there anything that you don't want to say in front of a Ryan, because I totally understand if there is?', she asked. I appreciated her concern, but there was nothing I could think of that I would be embarrassed to tell a guy that I would be fine telling to a girl.

'Nope, not that I can think of', I replied.

'Great, nothing off limits then!', Phoebe sat back and took a drink.

'She's such a nosy, filthy slut!', Meg said, half in warning, half to wind Phoebe up.

The pizzas arrived and Ryan was told that we would be playing the game. 'Great!', he said, 'I guess we're going to get to know you pretty well then Shannon!' he said, turning to me.

We tucked into our pizzas as Phoebe asked the first question. 'I have never been in a relationship for more than a year'. Meg took a drink, but Ryan and I didn't. 'Interesting!', she said, and took a bite of pizza.

Meg was next, 'I have never been caught getting naughty with a girl in my room by my roommates', she said, looking Ryan in the eyes. He groaned and took a sip of his drink. 'You next Shan', she said.

'Ok, I have never lost a ski race and had to skinny dip as a forfeit!', I said, getting into the cheeky spirit of the game. Meg feigned disgust that I had singled her out, and took a long swig of her drink. To my surprise, Ryan did too.

'Wait, when?', Phoebe asked Ryan.

'It was last year, me and Charlie', he laughed. 'Ok, I have never kissed a person of the same sex'.

Phoebe took a sip of her drink, and Meg did the same.

'Both of you, score!', Ryan said laughing.

Back to Phoebe, who said, 'I have never cheated on someone'. No one drank. 'At least we have some morals', she remarked.

'I have never slept with someone who is foreign to my country of birth', Meg said. I hadn't, and seemingly neither had Phoebe. Ryan looked up, appearing to be thinking.

'One drink for each nationality?', Phoebe suggested with a wink.

'What are you saying?', Ryan laughed, and made a deal out of drinking five times from his cup. The last sip drained the cup and he passed it to Meg to refill.

'Really?!', Phoebe asked, astonished.

'Yeah', Ryan looked sheepish, though it was easy to tell that in male company he would have been boasting about it.

'What nationalities then?', I asked, curious.

'Um, American, British, Australian, French and I think Dutch, but she may have been German', he said, counting the nationalities on his fingers.

I watched Phoebe closely for a reaction, to confirm that she might have feelings for him. She seemed more surprised than disappointed.

Having had easily more than 5 shots of vodka by this point, I could feel my inhibitions disappearing, and I boldly asked, 'I have never had a one night stand'. It was true, I had never.

Naturally, Ryan raised his eyebrows and drank. Phoebe also tutted and drank, but Meg just smiled.

'Come on Ry, your turn now', Phoebe said.

'Ok, I have never seen anyone in this room naked', he smiled. No one drank. 'Really?', he said, genuinely surprised. 'I guess that's all going to change tonight hey?', he turned to Meg and winked, who blushed and looked down.

'Maybe, but it's not going to change for you!', she shot back, with a laugh.

'Yeah right, by the time we leave the bar you won't care!', he said. Phoebe seemed to be ignoring the flirtatious banter between the two.

We carried on for a few rounds, where I learned that Ryan had streaked naked in the village, Meg and Phoebe had both kissed other members of staff at the hotel, and the other three learned that I had had only two long term relationships. Once we had all finished our pizzas, we decided to go out to the bar. It was now just before 9pm, and the village was filled with people out for the night.

'Snowshack tonight right?', Ryan asked, as we stepped out into the cold. We were all wearing our ski jackets on top of our clothes. Ryan walked ahead with Meg, and Phoebe and I walked a few paces behind. I could tell by the way she was chattering incessantly that she was quite drunk. I wasn't really listening that much to her, until she began to talk about Meg and Ryan.

'Do you think she likes him?', she asked, slurring a little.

'Err, I haven't really thought about it', I lied.

'Do you think he likes her?', she asked.

'I'm not sure', now that wasn't a lie.

We walked along an undercover walkway, out of the snow. Outside it was snowing heavily now, and through my inebriation, I looked forward to the fantastic powder skiing tomorrow. We didn't have to queue to get into the bar, but had to show ID on the door.

We got into the bar and Ryan bumped into some friends, who we talked to for half an hour. Meg managed to get out of buying drinks, as Ryan's friends seemed eager to buy them for us. As inevitably happens in bars, we got separated from them, and Meg, Phoebe and I ended up on the dancefloor, on our own, drinks in hand. I couldn't quite believe that I had met people who I got along with so well so quickly. The hours flew by and I realized that I had drunk more than I was used to. I still wasn't as drunk as Phoebe, however. She drained her glass, took my hand and pulled me to the bar.

'It's my round!', she declared, and ordered two vodka shots from the barman. We picked them up and linked our arms round each others', and downed them. Phoebe's face was less than a foot from mine, when she said, 'so if I remember correctly, you've never kissed a girl before?', she said. Before I could respond, she put her right arm over my left shoulder and curled it round the back of my head, and leaned in with a devious smile on her face. Our lips touched, then locked, parted and suddenly her tongue was playing with mine. Something in that moment shocked me. Was it the alcohol, or did I genuinely have no desire to pull away from her? I could taste the vodka and pepsi she had been drinking all evening, and the smell of her perfume filled my nostrils. I felt a gentle bite on my lower lip. After what seemed like more than the 10 seconds that it really was, she pulled away, smiled the same devilish smile and said, 'now you have'.

I then became aware that almost every guy round the bar was looking at us, and a few were cheering. I knew I was blushing but what the hell, everyone was having fun.

We returned to the dancefloor, and danced for another hour at least, drinking water, before Meg suggested we leave. We made our way to the exit, headed back towards the hotel in the cold and the thick falling snow. All three of us were arm in arm. The water, dancing and cold had had a sobering effect on us, but we were still feeling giddy and excitable.

'Oh my God Meg, I almost forgot!', Phoebe said, stopping dead in her tracks.

'What?', I asked.

'Your forfeit!', she said laughing.

'Oh no, seriously?', Meg asked.

'Yes, no getting out of it!' she laughed.

We were near the pool now. The pool was accessible from the street level via a staircase, which was roped off and covered in snow, but we climbed it nonetheless. At 1am, the pool was deserted. We stood beside it, looking in. The terrace on which the pool was located was illuminated by huge lights on the floor level, and the pool had lighting in its walls.

'Well then, off you go!', Phoebe said with a giggle.

'Fine, I'll do it', Meg said stepping forward. I noticed that she didn't seem too reluctant. She unbuttoned her shirt and let it drop to the floor and kicked off her shoes. Her jeans dropped to the floor soon after. Standing behind her, I took a full view of her round buttocks, sitting atop her skinny legs. She was wearing a pair of blue Calvin Klein panties, and a matching blue bra. 'Ok, here goes', she said.

'Woah wait!', Phoebe said, 'that is not skinny dipping my friend!'.

Meg sighed and unclasped her bra and let it join her jeans and shirt on the ground.

'Almost there!', Phoebe said. Her voice was the only noise audible. Meg reached down to her panties and hooked her thumbs inside the waistband. She bent at the waist and slid them down her legs, stepping out of them. Meg was now completely nude. I could barely tear my eyes away from her almost perfect form. I noticed that on her right ankle she was sporting a small tattoo. Without saying a word, she sprinted forward and bombed into the pool, causing a splash that reached us.

Phoebe and I applauded. Meg was gasping, laughing and spluttering. She turned around and headed for the steps, her hair billowing in the water. As she pulled herself out, her hair clung to her face and neck and shoulders, and I saw her breasts for the first time. They were of a similar size to mine, not large, nor small, and perfectly formed, sitting pert on her chest. Her nipples were understandably erect. As she climbed the steps, I got a full view of her body from the front. Water was dripping down her body, over her breasts, down her flat stomach, round her pierced navel, and over her abdomen. I looked further down, and saw that she had a thin landing strip leading down to her intimate area.

To my surprise, she made no effort to cover up. In fact she approached Phoebe, laughing still and grabbed her t-shirt at her shoulders and attempted to pull it off. 'Help me Shan!', she said, giggling. I acquiesced and Phoebe did little to resist. Soon we had moved onto her jeans. I sat on her torso and held down her arms as Meg undid her zipper and pulled off her jeans. Before I knew it, Meg was onto my own t-shirt, and it was up and over my head before I knew it. We were all laughing and giggling. I stood up and from below, Phoebe pulled down my jeans. I stepped out of them, no longer caring, as Meg unfastened my bra and pulled it off. I felt the freezing air on my nipples and they instantly hardened. Phoebe stood up and I made to remove her bra. As he bra came off in my hands, I noticed that her breasts were slightly smaller than my own. They were still well-shaped though, and did not sag at all. I felt my thong disappearing from round my hips just as I did the same to Phoebe's. Unlike Meg, Phoebe had a triangle of pubic hair, with around half an inch shaved bare inside the creases of her legs.

Now as naked as the other two, I jumped into the pool, and was followed by Phoebe and Meg. We splashed each other, laughed and pushed each other under the water. I dived under and opened my eyes. I could see Phoebe's butt in front of me, and gave it a playful pinch. Like the rest of her body, it was toned and pert. She whirled round, giving me a full view of her naked front. She had toned abs and wide hips that seemed almost out of proportion.

I re-surfaced and noticed Meg was out and holding her phone. She climbed back in, 'get together girls, it's picture time!'. We huddled together with Meg in the middle, breasts below the surface to hide our modesty from the camera. She held out her phone in front of us and took a series of photos as we pulled faces and changed positions. 'They're going on Facebook!', she said.

Eventually we climbed out and I pulled on my thong and t-shirt like the others. Together we sneaked through the lobby of the hotel, up the stairs to avoid the elevator and ran down the corridor to our room. Once inside, we spoke for the first time since leaving the pool.

'That was the most exhilarating thing I've ever done!', I said, dropping my clothes I had gathered onto the floor, and climbed up to my bed.

'Same', Meg said, 'wait, where's Rhiannon?' she asked.

'No idea!' said Phoebe, 'I'll whatsapp her'.

We checked the time and got ourselves some water from the bathroom. Meg lay down on her bed, and Phoebe and I joined her. We took up the whole bed, side to side. I couldn't explain why we all got on the same bed, I suppose it was just one of those things that you do when you've had a bit too much drink. Phoebe flicked the light off and we lay in dark silence for a few minutes, wearing only our t-shirts and underwear.

'By the way guys', Meg said, 'did I see you two kissing at the bar earlier?'.

I blushed again. 'Yep, jealous?', Phoebe answered for us.

She laughed, 'no, I just knew it was a matter of time'.

I fell asleep, wondering what Meg meant.

To be continued

Sam - 26 / F / Bi / 32D / 5'10 / 130lbs
Josh - 26 / M / Straight / 6’2 / 180lbs

Likes: Masturbation control / Nudity / Truths / Shaving / Anal / Commando / Public / Flashing / Spanking / Squirting / Friends / Wedgies / Forced orgasms / Edging / Post orgasm torture

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