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Old 12-19-2016, 07:11 AM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Finland,Europe
Posts: 86

Now might that be the whole idea to make cow humilated!and make cow's clit so swollen and large so it's clit could be seein even through underwear!That also make cow feel it's clit better and stay aroused longer.
Ofcourse like after clitspanking well pumped clit might also feel the pain better!

Well done with the drawer treatment!And 'cause it went so well it will be your regular uddertreatment!
Do cow have rubberbands and thumbtacks?!
here's one new uddertreatment:it's called hot or cold udderdipping!Cow need 2buckets filled with hot water
(So hot that cow barely can touch it with it's finger)sink your udders in the water!keep there 15-20minutes!but after every 5 minutes cow must add more hot water to make sure that the water stays hit enough!
Or cow can take cold water and add icecubes..sink it's udders in the freezing cold water!5minutes in the water 5 minutes off 5 minutes in and then off!Or cow can use both!first hot,then cold again hot and afain cold water!

Cow have to be more specific about reporting the treatments!i wanna know how the treatments feels and what kind of marks,bruises,etc cow get in it's skin!And my favourite job is taking care that cow get those marks,bruises,pain and humiliation!And push the cow!
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