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Old 12-16-2016, 07:12 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by RiskyFlame View Post
Rule of patience
The 30-days-waiting rule is put in place so everyone gets an equal chance. Put in other words, people who are serious in trying to find somebody gets the same attention (first-page time) as those who bump their personal (= s/M ad) daily. To avoid the horny guys (and gals) from bumping their personal daily, they are only allowed to bump once every 30 days.
  • 17 December 2016 - New personal created.
  • 18 December 2016 - New post (bumping): forgot to mention something: ...
  • 19 December 2016 - New post (bumping): "still looking."
  • 20 December 2016 - New post (bumping): found someone but didn't work out, still looking.
  • 21 December 2016 - New post (bumping): "Please don't message me when ..."
  • 22 December 2016 - New post (bumping): I also like [new kink]
  • 23 December 2016 - New post (bumping): "Still looking."
  • To be continued...
Okay we can have this discussion. I'd argue that you are assuming too much. I know other websites which do not have this rule that do not have the above problem ( is one of them). I think it actually makes it harder for good ads to stand out because they leave the front page before being seen.

Now you may argue that there are those people who look beyond the front page. I can tell you from experience (6 years on and off on Getdare) that the best time to get views on your ad is the short time it’s on the front page. The further it goes down, the harder it is.

My second argument goes with the below comments but I’ll touch on it here as well. What is defined as “bumping with new information” is pretty much up to the discretion of the Mod on duty. You said it yourself in your response, “I don't enforce the 30-days-waiting rule too harsh regarding time stamps.”

A compromise? Instead of getting rid of the 30 day rule, lower it to 7 or 10 days. This allows "good" ads the opportunity to go back to the front page sooner and have more opportunity to shine through the mess that is 60-75% of the ads on Getdare. It also alleviates the necessity for mods to police the area as thoroughly.

Originally Posted by RiskyFlame View Post
Edit it!
When the person who created the personal wants to add something, then he/she is free to do so. However, we have a special little feature for that: the Edit button. If you want to add, remove or change something within four days (96 hours), then you can use the Edit button. If the person didn't use the Edit button and wants to add or correct something to the personal within the four days, then I'm happy to do it for you.

Now, see, I do not want you to edit my post. A friend and I have molded and perfected the language of my personal. If I wanted to edit it, I would have. If I think of something to add, I will add it via a reply, and I do not want it in the OP. Maybe there was a reason I did not want it there. I am one person, of course, but I worked hard on my ad to make it what I think is good. I do not need a mod editing my post by merging my reply into the OP. It looks horrible, and it makes me appear as if I am stupid after spending so much time tweaking the ad to convey the exact opposite.

Originally Posted by RiskyFlame View Post

Information to add
There's also the parameter of what kind of information the OP'er wants to add to their personal. We're talking about non-edited in information, thus needing a new post. There's a small list below with actual examples that people use to bump their personal.

- "Just a reminder that ..."
- "I'm still searching."
- "Updated the OP." (but there are exceptions)
- "Just bumping."
- Repeating the same information as in the OP.
- Basic information such as gender, actual age, forgotten likes/limits, messenger info, etc.

Continue when...
... the post contains "new vital information" that people need to know before approaching you.
... it's doubtful (to anyone) whether it's purpose is informing people or bumping the personal.
... there's another (reasonably valid) reason for you to post. (example: closing the personal)
You basically ignored my argument entirely, by the way, but that’s fine. Here it is again. I’d argue that someone who posts a reply on their ad that says “Hey I’m still looking; I thought I found someone, but it didn’t work out,” is a valid update. It’s something I need to know as someone who might want to reply to them.

Now of course you may argue that there are times when people post this to “bump” their ad. Fine, I agree. In that specific circumstance, that is a violation, but if there were replies to the ad in the thread itself, then isn’t it information I need to know?

Also if the above are the rules/guidelines let’s post them as rules/guidelines in the slave/master area so everyone posting can see them. As I stated in the OP, the rules have not been updated since 2009.
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