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Old 12-06-2016, 01:44 PM   #1405
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Originally Posted by MirandaCole21
Okay, I finally completed all of the ones you sent me which were AA, BB, CC, and DD. I'll report numerically.

AA. As ashamed as I am to admit this, I had to do this one in a church, because it's the only place that has a pool table that I know. The table was located in the upstairs area. I quickly went up there while everyone was doing something downstairs. I quickly threw all my clothes off and hopped up on the table. I got in the pose and counted off 15 seconds. I was shaking the whole time. I got dressed as quickly as I could. No problems. This was my first achievement.

BB. This was my fourth and final, and I had 40 seconds left that I needed to do, so I wanted to be an overachiever for you and hold the pose for a minute. The picture is of the girl with her pants and panties around her ankles, jacket spread, no shirt on the side of the road. I decided to make it even harder on myself, and only wore a jacket and panties. I went to the main street in my neighborhood to do this one. I dropped my panties to my knees and spread my jacket. I held it for a whole minute with no problems. As I was walking away, I heard a car coming. I ran home.

CC. The location I thought that would fit best was right outside a gas station. I drove up, and got myself ready. My robe was a jacket. Because it didn't show the bottom half, I assumed dropping my pants and underwear to my ankles would suffice. I took off my shirt and put the jacket back on. I got in position, dropped my pants and underwear and spread my jacket. I got scared and pulled my pants up at three seconds. I got in my car and left. This was my third.

DD. I figured the library would work for this one. The library was super busy. I was shaking even as I entered. I went to a back corner. A mom was doing homework with her kid in the corner, but her seat and the aisle were offset, so they couldn't directly see me. It took me several minutes to work up the courage, and I started by taking off my shoes. I wasn't wearing socks. I took off my pants and underwear next. I took off my shirt and went into the pose. Right as I did, the lady started moving. I freaked out. I went for my shirt first and got it on. She started moving towards the aisle, and I held up my pants to give the impression I was wearing them. She leaned back in to help her son figure something out, and I took the opportunity to step back into my pants and pull them up. Still shaking, I left. I only held the pose for 2 seconds. I did this one second.

So, how did I do? Did I earn the list? I can do more for you if you need me to. It feels so good to have that done, like a weight was lifted. Lol Are you going to be doing this in 2017? Just curious. Thanks for the dare! It was loads of fun.
Thanks for your detailed report, I can experience what I think you went through! Great!

For 2017, I'm not sure. It has been a fun time doing this. But I guess change is inevitable. If it leads to something better, who knows? Maybe a more game themed dare? I like the simplicity of it though, so, if a game, it should have simple rules, almost self evident ones. All comments appreciated!

Last edited by Bandana; 12-06-2016 at 01:46 PM.
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