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Old 11-02-2016, 10:53 PM   #37
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 461

Originally Posted by madeapuddle View Post
Class was a pretty short one from 6:30pm-8:30pm. I was very tired and drank a Monster during class. I was diapered in a bambino bianco underneath a new pair of loose fitting carpenter shorts. If anyone noticed, then they didn't indicate that they did. I knew most people never notice stuff like that, but I was still super nervous the whole time. I tried to just be a good student and focus on note-taking for the final, rather than my crinkly butt and my growing need to pee. I did not have any accidents during class though! Despite needing to pee pretty badly about 45 minutes in, I managed to be a big boy and wait until I was on my way out... where I wet my diaper in the parking lot where it was dark and no one around could see anything. Felt very nice... but very naughty too! I've never done that before! I know I probably blushed bright red.

It's almost got me feeling a bit more daring... if we could make this more interesting somehow.

Btw, I have about 5 diapers left... I'll hang in as long as they last. Then I will need to order more. But I think time ends tomorrow morning unless I am mistaken.
Im so glad i got out xD, i would be rather scared to do that, nice job tho!
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