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Old 09-06-2007, 10:20 PM   #17
Junior Member
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Posts: 6

Originally Posted by zephyrnem View Post

1-2 fun group

3-4 Harder group

5 daring

6 Finished

Fun Group:

1. Go to a very public place at noon and suck each of your toes where you can be seen wearing only one piece of clothing.

2. Strip naked in a public bathroom stall. Stay naked until you cum.

3. For the next 48 hours you must be barefoot at all times.

4. Go to a busy street corner wearing only tshirt, pants, and sandals. Wet your pants and then cross the street at the nearest light.

5. For the next 24 hours do all your shopping and errands wearing only a swimsuit. The smallest swimsuit you own.

6. Get a bucket, fill it with water. Go to a store. Right before you go in dump the bucket over your head. Buy paper towels.


1. For the next 24 hours you may only wear overalls (except when you are at work, but for each hour you don't wear overalls, add an hour to the dare)

2. Go 60 minutes naked outside in public (I.e. not in someone's yard)

3. Take a mudbath in your underwear. Do not shower for at least two hours afterwards.

4. Masturbate where at least three people will see you and do it completely nude.

5. Wash yourself, head to toe, using the water from a public toilet.

6. Walk one mile naked with your hands tied behind your back outside.


1. Go outside naked. Get the following: A bottle of pop, A movie ticket stub, A fast food burger (still in its wrapper), someone's signature on your body and 3 pictures of yourself standing next to a red car. You cannot go inside until this is completed

2. For the next 24 hours you are to go barefoot. If anyone asks you why you are barefoot say it is a dare and you have to suck their toes or remove a piece of clothing. Then do what they say. If you remove a piece of clothing than if anyone asks why you are barefoot OR why you are lacking that piece of clothing you say that it is a dare and you have to suck their toes or remove a further piece of clothing...and so on. When you are NAKED you will say that it is a dare and you have to suck their toes OR you will have to stay naked. You will stay naked until the 24 hours are up or when you are naked, someone lets you suck their toes AND you masturbate to orgasm while sucking them.

3. Go outside naked, you may not return until 5 people have peed on you.

4. Walk to a grocery store wearing only a garbage bag (or two) for clothing, and sandals. When in the store you will buy apple sauce, spaghetti sauce, and brown sugar. When you get out of the store you will remove the garbage bags and cover yourself from head to toe with what you bought. You may then put the bags back on and then you must walk to another store (or if you like humiliation and fun, go in the same store) and buy paper towells. Once you leave the store, you will remove the bags and your sandals and walk home. You may not go inside, however, until you are clean from head to toe and have had at least one orgasm.

5. Girls: Go outside dressed like a boy, you may only come back once 3 guys have cum on you and sign boob. Guys: Go outside nerly dressed you may not come back home until your legs are shaved and you have hot pink toe nail polish on and yuo have to have heels and a dress whith ur fingernails painted at a local nail salon.

6. do all above

enjoy. Feel free to modify, and change for multi-player games. Use points. Trade dares. Whatever.
oh and i mean it u can not back out if u do u r the gayest person to live.
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