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Old 02-11-2010, 11:25 PM   #21
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Okay, I feel a bit bad about bumping such an old topic but I feel this is quite relevant and new and I don't want to start a new topic. The main reason I loved this dare was the lack of poop but after the first couple of times I've found for some reason that even after LOADS (i.e. more than three) enemas, when I am full of bananas and am forced to push them out, this released some hidden reserve of my bowels and as much as I hate to admit it, this stopped being a non-poop dare :S

Has anyone else experienced this, or had any knowledge of this? I have a proper enema kit so I'm a bit worried about how they don't seem to be working properly at all - my intestines don't get completely cleared out.

Even more on-topic, I find this dare works better with unripe (green skin and pretty hard) bananas as you can still break them up in your hand and it's easier to push them into your ass. Also gives a more strong sensation when you push them out - which while maybe unrealistic, is more likely to force your face and posture into incriminating positions while in public
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