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Old 01-31-2010, 09:36 AM   #46
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Posts: 117

hello, another update YEY ... well i hope u'll enjoy it

please leave a comment

“…Cause I fear I might break
and I fear I can't take it
Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty

I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now…”


“…And here we go again
With all the things we said
And not a minute spent
To think that we'd regret…”


“…Explain to me this conspiracy against me
And tell me how I've lost my Power …”


“…If you want to play it like a game
Well, come on, come on, let's play…”


Misty was sitting on the desk looking through songs in her IPod. Every single song that came up was reminding her about the events of previous day, like a sleepless night wasn’t enough. Even her favorite band, Paramore, couldn’t give her the peace of mind.

She wasn’t ready to tell Livia yet. She didn’t tell anybody. The storm of thoughts in her head didn’t stop, a relentless barrage of questions. ‘What would they say? What will Jared do? Would he really report to teacher what he has seen? Would they believe?’

“…And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have…”

By this point she was so fed up. She threw the IPod across the room at the door. Just in time for someone to walk in and catch it.

“I believe it belongs to you.”

Deep blue eyes, dark hair and voice that could hypnotize your soul… The unexpected appearance of a familiar stranger send shivers down Misty’s spine.

“Yea… Thanks.”

Jared smiled. Standing against the door with his arm crossed holding Misty’s IPod in his hand...

“So why would you throw a perfectly working IPod? Is it a new game?”

He turned it gently in his soft hands.

“No. I just felt like it.”

Misty was really annoyed. Lack of sleep and the stress made her usually well controlled temper very easy to explode and she really preferred not to think what it could lead to.

“All right, but if I was you I would be nice to the person who can blackmail you.”

“You did it already.”

She said sending him a look that could kill.

“That is one. You have 2 more chances before the gossip goes around the school. Now come with me. There is something I want you to do… oh, if you refuse, that will be two.”

The terror that Misty felt before was nothing compared to what she felt now. She stood up following Jared.

“Where are we going? And why are you doing this?”

“You will see. And the answer to the other question is obvious… For fun!”

She followed him up the stirs to the science corridor; they kept walking passing empty classrooms. She started cursing that she is in school always so early. School was almost empty at this time.

They through the double doors entering music corridor. Jared stopped in front of one of the music practice rooms. They were small rooms that were used for individual music lessons. Misty had seen them before, when she tried to learn to play a flute few years ago.

“I want you to go in there. There is someone who wants to talk to you. And don’t refuse. Remember what the consequences can be. I am only asking you to listen, nothing more.”

Jared sent her reassuring smile and walked away.

She stood there few minutes staring at the door with pounding heart not sure what to expect. Taking a deep breath she entered the room.

Inside there was a boy sitting and texting someone. A boy with black hair and gray-green eyes. Still didn’t know the exact eye color because it seemed to depend on his mood and the light. A boy she knew very well, maybe even too well, but hasn’t spoken to for months.

He looked up at her. She couldn’t read any emotions on his face. But she was also sure that the only emotion visible on her face was a surprise. She could feel the memories of their last chat running through her head. How he said he has nothing to apologize for even though he hurt her as nobody before him had, and he knew it very well.


She didn’t answer; she was looking at him not being able to say a word. He stood up hiding the phone in his pocket.

“I know you probably hate me but can we at least talk?”

Hate him? Yes she did hate him. She hated him for first two months. Then it turned into a rage and need of killing. As the feeling started fading all she could feel was just a numb feeling of sympathy for him loosing all his friends and a bit of guilt for being a cause of the fall out. And maybe she did miss him a bit, but she would never admit to it. They used to be so close… sometimes she wished he could have swallowed his pride and apologized when he had a chance.

“Hate is nothing comparing to what I felt.”

She said with voice that expressed no emotion.

He came closer to her.

“You felt… what do you feel now?”


“Misty… I…”

He closed the distance between them, now they were only millimeters away from each other. Misty didn’t move. There always was something weird between them. They couldn’t stay away from each other no matter how much they tried. Like magnets attracting each other.

He gently put his hands around her closing the distance between them.

“I’m sorry.”

He kissed her gently and looked at her… Looked into her.

Misty tried to describe how she felt at that moment. Relieved? Confused? Happy? Sad? Angry? She couldn’t find the right words. Tears appeared in her eyes. She hid her face in his arms. All memories of what happened last year were flowing through her head like a river filling every little gap in her mind. She remembered every little detail. The happiness when they were together, the butterflies she used to feel when looking into his eyes, the tears she cried after the argument. Everything just exploded. Before she realized what was happening he lifted her face to him and started kissing her. She kissed him back even though the rational side of her brain screamed at her in terror. She could hear nothing but the blood pounding behind her ears. All she could think about was what happened and that they were so close again. He started kissing her harder; she put her hands around his waist. Just like déjà vu. It had happened before. And even though she knew what the consequences were last time, she didn’t move away. Logan moved his hands down slowly, under her shirt, reaching for her bra. Misty could feel his growing erection brushing against her as they were so close together.

Before she realized what he was doing his right hand started slipping under her skirt. He moved her so that now her back was against the wall. Misty didn’t protest. His hand was on the edge of her knickers now, and kept moving. She could feel the excitement and fear at once. She knew that what was happening was insane although she didn’t back off.

He plunged his fingers inside her. She let a gasp as his fingers started moving inside her… His lips gently kissing her neck… As his fingers started moving faster and deeper her breath was heavy. She could feel the orgasm building. The gentle kisses turned into little bites. Misty could feel the weave of pleasure and heat overtaking her mind.


She whispered. Not entirely sure what she wanted to say.

“Just tell me if you want me to stop.”

She nodded. She knew this shouldn’t be happening.

Just as she screamed in pleasure the bell rang. Logan kept holding Misty in his arms. She struggled to stand.

“I missed you.”

He said kissing her on the forehead.


not doing dares, mainly due to lack of time

We're part of a story, part of a tale
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes insane No one remembers how it began. (8)

You can only move as fast as whose in front of you
And if you assume just like them, what good will it do? (8)

not going on webcam so dont waste ur time asking

Last edited by NatGetsHighOnCoffee; 01-31-2010 at 09:50 AM.
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