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Old 06-26-2016, 07:40 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 4,466

Most of the people who have posted in non-English threads, including me, are regular members who are very capable of stringing together a few English words... And I'm pretty sure that a lot are just curious to see who else is speaking their language, from the same country/area, etc. and not doing so to segregate.

Just out of curiosity... there is also a thread for British members Do you think this thread should be banned too even if it is in English? Because, you know... "segregation"...

Since we all believe in democracy, let's have an EU referendum (that's declaration of civil war, in American terms) - should the local language threads continue, or should they be banned?
That's not how it works Your thread is just a poll to see how others feel about it, not a referendum. At the end of the day it is still the staff members who decide whether or not such trends can continue or they should go.
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