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Old 01-07-2010, 01:02 AM   #1
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Joystick Dares For Outdoors!

I somtimes find myself bored late at night and wanting some excitement. Often I'll venture out around 3am for some fun. I wrote these dares for myself but they are dares almost anyone can do.
  • The Naked Sprint
When doing this dare it is best to not have socks or underwear on! Take them off and then get dressed again.
  1. Hike to a location in your neighborhood where you have enough privacy to get undressed but not enough privacy that you can move out of the location safely and not be seen. A clump of bushes works well!
  2. Undress and take off your shoes. If possible stuff your shirt and/or pants into a shoe. Take your clothes and them them as far away as possible.
  3. Your task now is to find your clothes and get dressed without getting seen!

  • The Embarrassing Situation
For this dare wear a thin pair of shorts with your most reveling pair of underwear under (for a harder version wear NOTHING under!). Bring a pair of scissors and another pair of shorts!
  1. Scout out two remote location near where you live where you will not be seen.
  2. In one of these locations stash your extra pair of shorts (if you don't want to carry the extra pair wear it over your other pair).
  3. Goto the other location and remove your shorts. Cut them up so they can't be worn.
  4. You must now make your way to the location with the extra pair of shorts without being seen!

  • The Walk of Shame
  1. Hike to a remote and private location.
  2. Undress and masturbate. When you cum you must cum on the front of your t-shirt and on your pants.
  3. Get dressed and walk home. Try not to be seen covered in cum!

  • Earn Your Pants Back
This dare requires a bike or ski lock that takes a key. Other sorts of keyed locks might work too.
  1. Wear the bike lock as a belt around your pants.
  2. Find a remote hidden location where you can undress. On the way, hide the key so that it is a ways away from your final destination.
  3. When you get to the hidden location lock your pants to an item there. It can be a tree or bush. A bike or ski lock works well because you can loop it through all the belt holes making removal impossible without the key.
  4. Now, without your pants, go find the key!
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