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Old 01-05-2010, 05:45 PM   #29
Angel of Dare
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Join Date: Apr 2008
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Hehe, I always send emails/texts which are correctly spelt and punctuated too!
Great minds think alike

Are you usually warm or cold?
I get cold easily, but when I'm warm I'm very warm.

Do you prefer a bath or a shower?Showers. They're quicker and it's more fun to sing in the shower.

What's the most uncomfortable item of clothing you currently own (and wear)?
These really high platform heels. They are so beautiful but so uncomft.

How long are your nipples?
Not very long at all, they are quite small lol.

What's the last thing you drew?
I drew a pattern on my wrist in Sharpie permanent marker and wrote Joey's name on my wrist.

1. Have you ever thought about converting to a new religion? (To be completely honest, I had thoughts about changing)
I never have, I really like to learn about different religions though, and to be involved to see how other people live. But I wouldn't convert.

2. What is your most exciting weather memory you can think of? What was your most scariest?
Most exciting was probably a snow-related experience. And the scariest was when it was really foggy and I was going home and I had to cross a field and it was winter and it was starting to get dark and I couldn't see due to the fog and because it was getting dark and I was so scared it was horrible.

3. Will you ever someday live outside of the UK?
That's my plan, I'd like to go to Uni in the US.

4. Did you ever thought about going to college in the US or another country?
See above. When I went to New York I went into the NYU campus, I don't plan to go there probably, but it was nice to see.

5. Did you and Liam ever tickle each other?
He tickled me, but he isn't ticklish.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
People thinks it's silly but I would so love to be an actress. Everyone says it's impossible but it happens for some people right?

Boop Boop de Boop.
female, engurrland.
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