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Old 02-18-2010, 02:27 PM   #12
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 12

*Emma lazes about for the rest of the weekend, doing chores and homework to pass time. She thinks about Sunday and although not saying it to Jennifer, she is very excited about it but only nervous. She thinks to herself 'What if I mess it up and look stupid'. These thoughts pop into her head more and more. They make her more nervous about it that she can't even remember being excited about it.*
*Emma gets fairly dressed up, she goes for sexy but classy, she also decided to go for stuff that is easily taken off. The top she picks is purple with short sleeves, with a sexy pink bra underneath. She goes for matching panties too with a tight black skirt with a zip at the side so it can be easily slipped off. The shoes are purple to match the top, nothing special just that they are purple. She watches the time go by. It turns to 7:30. It's not that far of a walk to Chris's house, roughly 20 minutes. She wants to be early though, so she leaves then to make sure she will be. When halfway to Chris's house she gets a text from Jennifer "Hey I might be a bit late but don't start without me". This made Emma more nervous since she didn't know Chris all that well and plus she wasn't very good at talking to boys. Finally she arrives at Chris's house and knocks on the door.*
Emma: Hi
Chris: Wow
Emma: Did I do something wrong?
Chris: No no, it's fine, you look amazing
Emma: Why thank you
Chris: Come in
Emma: Okay
*Chris and Emma go into the sitting room and just make small talk until Jennifer arrives*
*doorbell rings*
Chris: I'll get it
Jennifer: Hi, sorry I'm late but you know, had to talk to Heather about something
Chris: Hey no bother, I'm just glad to see you babe
Jennifer: Ah thanks, your so sweet
*Chris and Jennifer have a quick kiss at the door*
Jennifer: Okay wanna go into the bedroom and get this started?
Chris: Yeah sure
Emma: Oh I don't know about this
Emma: I mean your a couple, Chris are you sure your okay with this?
Chris: I'm more then okay with it
Jennifer: Don't worry about it, we'll ease you into it
Emma: Okay *takes breath*
Jennifer: So into the bedroom?
Emma: Okay
*They all head into the bedroom*
Jennifer: Okay Chris just sit on the chair for the time being
Emma: What are you doing?
Jennifer: I figure since your probably most uncomfortable with doing it with girl, we best get it out of the way
Emma: Okay
Jennifer: Come on, come here
*Jennifer sitting on the bed and it patting the spot next to her*
Emma: Okay
Jennifer: Thats better
*Jennifer moves closer to Emma and puts her hand on cheek*
Jennifer: Come closer, I'm not gonna bite
Emma: Okay
*Jennifer moves her mouth closer to Emma's and Emma comes closer. Their lips touch and Chris cannot believe his eyes. Jennifer then slides her tongue into Emma's mouth. Emma is now enjoying herself and is surprised how nice is feels having another girl's tongue in her mouth. They continue making out. Jennifer then begins rubbing Emma's bare leg. She slides her hand further up.*
Jennifer: Mmm, your enjoying this, aren't you?
Emma: Yes actually
Jennifer: Take off your panties
*Emma stands up and slides her panties off and drops them to the floor, she then picks them up and throws them at Chris. He then holds onto them like hidden treasure.*
Jennifer: Thats better
*Jennifer continues to move her hand further up Emma's smooth legs. She reaches her pussy and is surprised at what she finds.*
Jennifer: Wow your smooth here too
Emma: Yes, it's true what they say, once you shave somewhere once, you can't stop
Jennifer: Mmm i'm glad you have
*Jennifer then begins to rub Emma's clit. Emma now is getting hornier.*
Jennifer: Are you getting wet?
Emma: Yes I am
Jennifer: Good, I think she is ready Chris
Chris: I think so too

To Be Continued
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