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Old 01-20-2010, 07:33 PM   #9
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 9

*Jennifer arrives home and thanks god it's the weekend. She gets to her laptop and checks her e-mail. She has mostly stuff from bebo and facebook that she doesn't really care about but their is one e-mail from Chris and it reads 'important plz read'. She opens it. It's pretty short, just says 'Jennifer I need to talk to you, come over to my house tomorrow. It's very important'. Jennifer ran through all the possibilities through her head of what he could want to talk about. She goes to bed still pondering what Chris wanted*
*Next morning*
*Jennifer gets up at 12 and goes downstairs and has her breakfast, she still is trying to put what happened yesterday out of her head. She gets a text from Chris 'come over at 1'. She was still thinking about what happened with Emma that she forgot she had to meet up with Chris. She finished her breakfast, got dressed and went over to Chris's house. She knocks on door, her heartbeat moving ever faster. Chris answers the door*
Chris: Hi
Jennifer: Hi
Chris: You better come inside
Jennifer: Your folks aren't home?
Chris: No went out to get shopping so should be gone for while
Jennifer: Okay
*Chris and Jennifer head into the sitting room*
Chris: You better sit down
Jennifer: Whats going on Chris?
Chris: *sigh* Are you gay?
Jennifer: What?
Chris: Are you gay, lesbian whatever
Jennifer: No
Chris: Okay then explain this why you spending more time with Emma then me?
Jennifer: Okay I like girls
Chris: Finally the truth comes out
Jennifer: Thats not what I meant...........I'm Bi
Chris: WHAT?
Jennifer: I like girls and guys
Chris: You've got to be kidding me
Jennifer: I'm not
Chris: How long have you known?
Jennifer: Only a couple of weeks
Chris: And why didn't you tell me?
Jennifer: Cause I knew how you'd react
Chris: Unbelievable
Jennifer: And I know your mad about me and Emma doing the dare yesterday
Chris: Your telling me
Jennifer: But I've got a way to make it up to you
Chris: How?
Jennifer: I've come up with another dare
Chris: Oh not another one
Jennifer: Well not really the dare but what loser has to do
Chris: Why are you telling me this?
Jennifer: Cause I think you might like it
Chris: Okay whats the loser gonna have to do
Jennifer: Okay bear with me
Jennifer: If I win, me, you and Emma have a threesome
Jennifer: If she wins, you and her have sex while I watch
Chris: Are you serious?
Jennifer: Yes
Chris: Why do you even want that?
Jennifer: It turns me on
Chris: Oh really?
Jennifer: Oh yes
Jennifer: So what do you think?
Chris: Hmm
Chris: Are you sure your cool with this?
Jennifer: Yes, once your cool with it
Chris: Okay cool, do it
Jennifer: Well have to get Emma to agree to it
Chris: Oh yeah
Jennifer: But I think she will, she's been a virgin for too long
Chris: She's a virgin?
Jennifer: Yes but please don't tell anyone, promised I wouldn't say
Chris: Okay no problem
Jennifer: Cool well i'll see you later babe, need to convince Emma to agree to this
Chris: Okay good luck
Jennifer: Bye
Chris: Bye

To Be Continued
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