Thread: Is it safe?
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Old 03-24-2016, 01:41 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by nellybell View Post
Congrats on being my first offical question :3

There was a thread pretaining to this floating around in the advise section.

Pretty much the general consenses is that is it generally safe.

However, with the above warning about vaginal health I would warn against excessive use inside of your vagina. With all the chamicals and such in toothpaste it could probably set off the pH without much issue. That leaves you open to infection and just general unpleasentness, and not the good kind. Also some brands of toothpaste I've heard use sugar and other sweetening substances. Excessive sweets stuff in your vagina can lead to nasty yeast infection.

So a light coating over an object or a small dab on your finger and rubbed around should give you the desired effect without causing too many other complications.

I feel like a similar thing should be true for use in your ass. A small amount will be more than enough to give a good burning sensation. I think that if enough is inserted your intestines will do what they are designed to do which is to absorb any nurtients and water that it can. As you're not supposed to swallow toothpaste in almost any amount other than whats left on your teeth after you rinse and maybe the occational accidental swallow, having it absorbed through your intestines probably would be a bad thing.

So I would basically say, everything in moderation. You don't need a lot of it to reach a point of burning. Don't do any of those rediculas dares where they dare you to use an entire tube of toothpaste and shit. Just not a good idea. Lastly, make sure you clean up properly down there when you're all done and you should be good to go. :3

~Happy daring!
The post was from a long time ago but I'm guessing that mods still go on here. I'm guessing that's the same for icy hot and other chemicals? That would be a embarrassing trip to the er. I have tried to look this up, however nothing useful comes up so people on here are mostly to have experience with this.
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