Thread: Fiction: I dare you: Stuck at Camp
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Old 03-20-2016, 09:42 PM   #53
Blue Griffin
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Author's note: (Don't worry I had already made up my mind.) I'm going to try to take less input on the story as fun as it was. It kinda makes it hard to plan out. Also I haven't updated this 6 months! Man times file. I am sorry for the wait, especially to those who have provide feedback, and keep checking back. Without further ado here is the next part.

“Quite! Allen, what happened?” Did cabin two do this, or was it another cabin? And what’s with the boots?” said Heather in a whisper.

I was torn between telling the girls or not, but with the mystery girl having a clue about my dare oath I decided it would be best to spill the beans. Not doing so would leave them open to me having to betray them and that would hurt them more than keeping this secret. The only problem is the mystery girl wanted to keep this between the two of us. Telling them now would be almost confirm her suspicions and might bring some retribution back on us.

“Girls, calm down. I found these boots in the restroom. They must of been left awhile ago since their men’s size. I decided to take them for myself in case the weather turns bad. I mean as much as I would love to try those Hello Kitty boots…”

“You’re avoiding the question, Allen. Why did you put on the tutu? You didn’t have it with you when you went in and I doubt that it was in there too” said Victoria. “I said you should show it off a bit, but this was way more than I imagined.”

“What can I say? It means a lot to me that you girls accepted me into your cabin and helped me survive the prank wars so far and I thought I would bite the bullet and return the favor. I would say a bit more, but I think we have a bit too many eyes on us at the moment to keep this team meeting going or someone going to get a little suspicious.”

It was true. Ever since I was noticed by the other campers the whole mess hall was a buzz. Eyes shifted from us to cabin two seeing who would react first. Was this payback for their predicament or was I really that brave?

“He’s right. The more time we spend talking this over, the more it seems like cabin two took revenge. For now we should let Allen play it off and talk about once we get back to the cabin.” said Chloe.

We continued to eat our breakfast, trying to keep a normal conversation going. Victoria got up to get some seconds and had a few people try to get any details on what was going on. After confirming that it wasn’t cabin two revenge, word spread around, and things calmed down a bit. We left as quick as we could and got back to the cabin meeting Laura as she was leaving.

“Oh, hi girls! Ah, Allen, that a certainly, um, interesting outfit you picked out today.”

“Yes Laura, we were just about going to talk about that inside.” said Victoria as walked past her the rest of us following behind her.

“O.k. well I’m going to meet to some of the other counselors at the pool. If you need anything you can find me there.”

As she closed the door all eyes turned to me. “Spill it Allen. You weren’t too happy about me daring you to wear the diaper last night, and didn’t seem to happy this morning too. Why the sudden change of heart? You seemed to be holding something back.

“What’s there to tell? I said as I grabbed a pencil and paper. “I wanted it to be a surprise and…” As I kept talking I wrote “Can you make sure we aren’t being listed to?” and handed it to Chloe. She looked confused for a second and then handed the paper to the others as she rummaged around into her bag. Pulling out a device she flicked a switch and fiddled with a few knobs as Heather took watch over the door. 

“That should block any listening devices nearby. I have to say I don’t think I was ever going to use that on our cabin. What’s the deal?”

“I have to tell you something girls. Last night while I was keeping watch someone snuck up on me. At first they thought I was part of cabin two, but once they realized that I was from six, they threatened to wake cabin two while you guys were inside. She didn’t make any trouble, today she cornered me in the stall and made me put on the tutu.”

“So? You didn’t have to listen to her. You could have just waited her out.”

“She heard me talking to Heather last night and realized that I was under a dare contract.”

“Heather! You were suppose to be careful about that!” snapped Victoria from her bunk.

“How was I suppose to know? He was out there alone when I gave them the panties.”

“Girls, it doesn’t matter now what happened. She realized it after we left and has it on a recording and I didn’t confirm it since I was suppose to show off the diaper anyway.”

“It’s still a big problem, Allen. Now that someone knows…”

“Wait.” said Heather “How come no one claimed the prank then at the mess hall?”

“She promised that she wouldn’t tell her cabin as long as I kept her a secret from you guys.”

“Well can you at least tell us what this mystery girl looks like so we know who we are dealing with?”

“That’s the other thing. I never saw her face. She was hidden under the cabin stairs last night and was on the other side of the stall this morning. I didn’t get to see her shoes, hence the boots.”

“Great, with nothing to go on we’re at her mercy.” said Heather rolling her eyes.

“Not quite.” said Victoria. “She still doesn’t know that we know. We just need to work out which cabins are pranking each other. She’s keeping it a secret so its one of the cabins that not playing and she doesn’t want to drag them in.”

“Or it is a cabin that’s pranking someone and she doesn’t want to open up a two sided front. Meaning it could be any of them.” replied Heather crossing the room to Victoria.

Victoria rose off her bed “You really think anyone would be dumb enough to try that? After last time’s nightmare-“

“Girls!” Chloe said coming between the two of them. “It does nothing if we fight each other. Remember our main goal is still cabin two. For now we focus on them and I’ll see if I can listen to anything on the bugs. If she used tech to record you, I can listen around to see who else brought some.” This seemed to clam them down enough as Heather went back to the door and Victoria sat back down.

“Allen,” she said looking to me. “I’m disappointed that you kept this from us as I’m sure they are. We were just beginning to trust you. For now I think we need a breather. Victoria is going to set things up for the flagpole salute tonight, and is going to meet us at the stables. We were able to get the alternates for cabin two’s horseback riding slot if they don’t show up. We were going to invite you, but after this-”

“Consider yourself uninvited” said Heather as she walk out of the cabin.

“Heather! Vic, meet us later. I’ll see if I can talk some reason into her.” Chloe switched off the jamming device, and headed off after her.

Victoria looked at me, as she opened the secret compartment with the clothes. “Don’t worry about Heather too much. She’s probably kicking herself about the mentioning the dare” She took out the clothes and put the cover back. “but, you did kinda betray her trust after she filled you in yesterday. We’ll talk to you later at lunch Catc- Allen.” She left the cabin, leaving me alone.

As I walked out of the cabin I couldn’t help but feel bad. The girls had trusted me and even though I told the truth, I screwed up. After everyone left I thought about taking off the stupid tutu, but not knowing what my mystery friend would do if I did I decided to keep it on for the day. I ended up walking my way to the drama stage near the edge of camp. The camp gathered here to mostly have meetings around the fire pit at the back of the benches, but if everyone turns around they face the stage where we would sometimes have shows.
For now no one was around except some wooden mannequins, some chairs, and other stuff next the curtains. Taking some steps on to the stage I wondered what my role was suppose to be at this camp. I had just gotten rid of being the running joke around camp. Taking a look around, I was disappointed to find any guy clothes. A pirates blouse, a some renaissance clothing, but nothing modern enough. I ended up spending some time flipping through some past scripts, and moving the mannequins around with prop swords. Imaging I was facing my faceless mystery girl, I dueled her

“You may have the upper hand, but I will defeat you. On my honor as a camper I will get back my respect.”

“Well that will certainly be hard with an outfit like that.”

I turned around not recognizing the voice, but when I saw what they were wearing I didn’t need to know that I was in trouble as a chill ran down my spine. I had just seen extremely short skirt and diaper last night and knew I was in trouble letting a member from cabin two sneak up on me.

“Before you run out of here like a scared rabbit, I just want to talk for five minutes. Would you at least spare me that much time one diapered girl to another?”

Author's note:That's it for now members. I'll try to be more consistent in my postings, but can't make any promises. Thanks again for your patience, and I home you enjoy the story. Feedback and comments are always welcomed.
5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
Full signature here!
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