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Old 02-20-2016, 08:45 AM   #9
SloppyLot's Avatar
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Blood, Sweat, and Tears are not enough by DHK-eh review:

The background
A well set story, the men dominating women, that's really exciting to see in a story. But I have to say that I don't really like that much blood and such a brutality, it just isn't my type.

The characters
This is what I most liked in the story. Well thought characters, very representative and different. I really liked Kira as the rebel, she is the type of character I like. Then Oz... Oz was too typical, it's like the every-story-bad-guy-who-turns-into-a-good-guy-and-dies-at-the-end

The story
I liked it very much at the beginning and I was very curious about where will it go. Then my curiosity stalled, and started to grow again when they took Kira and Fallon into the car. It was really interesting since then.

The Ending

I really didn't like it. It is just not the kind of ending I would like in a story this kind...

As a sex fantasy story 3/10

As it wasn't anything I expected it gets poor notes. Of course, the author shouldn't care about this, because it is a very very subjective opinion
Bye, bye
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