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Old 01-25-2016, 11:35 AM   #84
Senior Member
Owlrings90's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Outer Space
Posts: 211

1. Are you outgoing or shy?- I am very outgoing! I love meeting new people and having exciting new conversations.

2. What does the most recent text that you sent say?- "lol you are too sweet!"

3. How many views does your profile currently have?- 3,847 views

4. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?-
"A Postcard to Nina" by Night Falls Over Kortedala
"Sunshine Superman" by Donovan
"Cult Boyfriend" by Jeffrey Lewis
"Cat People" by Schaeffer the Darklord
"Computer Sex" by Aaron & the Gays

5. Do you visit the chat area of getDare often?- No. It's not really tablet friendly, and it always randomly disconnects me.

6. Would you rather live without tv or music?- Without TV. I need music, haha, I'm a music major!

7. How do you attempt to make awkward silences less uncomfortable?- I let myself relax. It sounds kind of strange, but I find that if I don't let it become awkward for myself, it eases the tension.

8. Do you smile at strangers- When I make eye contact, yes. Some people glare at you weirdly when you do, but oh well.

9. Would you rather take a trip to outer space or to the bottom of the ocean?- Outer space all the way!!! Let me meet the aliens

10. Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr?- Oh, definitely Tumblr. I have a Tumble for my nudes and favorite BDSM stuff. If you're interested, I'd be glad to give you the URL!

11. What is the last movie you watched?- I was babysittng and the kiddos and I watched some movie about a plane. It was pretty cute.

12. Who are some getDare members that you frequently chat with?- I don't think anyone in particular? I chat on XHamster, but prefer to post things here on GetDare.

13. What are you listening to right now?- "Parentheses" by The Blow

14. What is your zodiac sign?- Cancer!

15. Do you prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?- Hot tea. My favorite is peppermint. It's so cleansing.

16. Which type of threads or area of getDare is your favorite?- I love answering questions here in the truth section, because it's a lot of fun. And I'm a sub, but I like suggesting dares to people on the Dare Request forum page. A fun switch up!

17. Describe your eyes in as much detail as possible.- Large, light brown/hazel, look green when my eyes are red (which is always because I have chronic dry eye).

18. Is your bedroom typically clean or messy?- I like to imagine that it's always clean, but my dorm is ALWAYS a mess.

19. What is one kink that you are curious about, or would like to explore?- Definitely petplay. I feel like it would fit really well into my submission and humiliation kinks.

20. Which getDare members would you like to get to know?- Anyone fun and willing to explore some things!
Sadie/20/Female/Pain Slut
Likes: humiliation, punching/slapping, wax, caning, hot/cold, pussy play, anal stretching, bladder denial, tit pain
Limits: writing on self, messy, permanent, piss/scat play, eating/drinking excrement, family, public

Please humiliate me. It's what I crave and what I deserve.
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