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Old 01-12-2016, 02:50 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by hot83 View Post
Here's a variation on a dare I really like, and this one can be do inside/during daytime if you're up to it.

Go to a public place, such as a shopping mall, library, diner, whatever you want. Make sure you're wearing a skirt, and bring a lipstick in your purse. Pick a place that has hard seats, preferrably white or light colored plastic.

Once you're there, go to the bathroom and remove your panties. Write "whore" on one of your ass cheeks and "slut" on the other with the lipstick. Then find a seat and sit down; be sure to lift your skirt so your bare ass is touching the seat. You wouldn't want to get lipstick on your dress

Now stay there and move as little as possible for at least 10 minutes. When you leave snap a picture of the lipstick marks you left on the seat; if you're brave leave the marks, if not try to clean them up before you head out.
ill repeat this dare often!
This is perfekt!
maybe i make it to one of my PM dares
Thank you :*
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