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Old 11-08-2015, 08:33 AM   #61
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 269
Blog Entries: 53
Default Tyragon's Curious Answers

1. Are you outgoing or shy?
Definitely shy.

2. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
It was to my Dad, about an iPhone 6S case.

3. How many views does your profile currently have?

4. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
I mainly listen to iTunes/Spotify radio stations based on artists I like, and also really like different mixes. All Day by Girl Talk is really good for working (and free), MrSuicideSheep on Youtube has many different songs, including the Taking You Higher Mixes, and various other mixes. Some favourite artists include The Eagles (mainly Hotel California), Robbie Williams, Passion Pit, Pendulum & Daft Punk, among others.

5. Do you visit the chat area of getDare often?
Not really

6. Would you rather live without tv or music?
I am extending this to mean any video (YouTube, watching movies/shows on my computer) and any form of music. I would definitely live without music. (but does that mean that all the films I watch would have no musical score?)

7. How do you attempt to make awkward silences less uncomfortable?
Most of the time I don't which makes the conversation more awkward. When I try and make them less awkward, I normally make them more awkward instead. This is why I have a small circle of friends and play video games.

8. Do you smile at strangers?

9. Would you rather take a trip to outer space or to the bottom of the ocean?
Definitely space. Also, fun fact, you have a higher chance of picking up Earth radio stations in space, than in a submarine.

10. Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr?
Facebook & Twitter.

11. What is the last movie you watched?
Remember the Titans, really good. Last TV show was Video Game High School.

12. Who are some getDare members that you frequently chat with?
Not many, if any. I mainly lurk and use the place for finding solo dares.

13. What are you listening to right now?
Was listening to a Feint 2 Hour Megamix.

14. What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio, and it shows. I prefer being alone, and am obsessed with mystery, espionage etc.

15. Do you prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Rarely drink coffee or tea. I do drink iced coffee and iced tea, as well as hot chocolate.

16. Which type of threads or area of getDare is your favorite?\
Dares (read: Dice Dares) is probably my favourite, followed by Stories, and then Truth.

17. Describe your eyes in as much detail as possible.
They are hazel coloured, normal looking, I wear glasses.

18. Is your bedroom typically clean or messy?
I have piles of boxes that I have no room to put elsewhere, but it's mainly clean.

19. What is one kink that you are curious about, or would like to explore?
I like BDSM, and would like to take that further.

20. Which getDare members would you like to get to know?
None really, I like being anonymous.
“I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.“ - Blaise Pascal, Mark Twain et. al.

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