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Old 11-06-2015, 09:24 AM   #5
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Default Part 4

At first, Kate just stared at me as she appeared to be processing what I had just said. It only took a moment for her to come to her senses, at which point she broke out into giggles. “You... what ... to borrow panties,” she only just managed to get out. “What’s the matter, has retelling your little adventure turned you on so much, that you now need a change of underwear?”

Ok, so bringing up this topic wasn't the best idea after all.

“Not quite...” I said, trying desperately not to dig myself an even greater hole. “You see, with my dad forcing me to get ready in a hurry, and my mum declaring a strike in the laundry department, the only underwear I could bring with me... was the bra that I’m currently wearing.”

“Ha. This just keeps getting better.”Kate proclaimed. “So you’re going commando, right now?”

I nodded shyly. “So, could I please have some panties?”

“Hmm,” Kate pretended to think. She had clearly found a new game to play. “Okay, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you what you want, but first, I want something in return. How does that sound?”

“Ehh,” I groaned audibly. “What do you want?”

“Oh, that is a good question,” Kate replied, with that sickening smile that I hated. “Now, let me think. What would be a suitable trade? Oh, I know. I’ll take your bra.”

“My bra!” I said outraged. “You’re kidding right?” I already knew the answer.

“Nope. That’s your offer. If you want me to help you out, then you need to sacrifice your bra.”

I took a moment to consider my position. It was quite clear that she was deadly serious. Like I mentioned earlier, once Kate found her bone she never let go, and my humiliation was the tastiest bone she had ever discovered. So, the question was, which piece of underwear could I live without? I thought briefly of all the dresses and tops in my wardrobe which were designed to be worn without a bra, so that wouldn’t be so new. Then I thought of how much difficulty I was having keeping my hornyness under control when my pussy kept coming into contact with a foreign material. The choice was obvious.

“Fine,” I said in defeat. “You have a deal.”

I didn’t what to give her the satisfaction of seeing me half naked, so I proceeded to demonstrate the art of removing one’s bra while still wearing a shirt. Kate seemed rather impressed when thirty seconds later I smugly dropped my last piece of underwear into her lap.

“Well...” I said expectantly. “Where are the panties?

“Panties? What panties are you talking about?” she replied innocently.

“Cut the crap, Kate,” I said, starting to lose my patience. “We had a deal, my bra for new panties.”

“I don’t think that’s what I said,” Kate said smugly. “If I recall correctly, the offer was your bra for my help, and I am helping you out... I’m helping your unleash your inner exhibitionist.”
Storys by7Clubs:
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