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Old 10-15-2015, 06:18 AM   #62
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 15

For Miss IHeartFun's task, I was naked and standing up, with legs slightly apart. I did simple slaps, rapid fire. Each slap was not much, but they compounded quickly, and by the 200th I had trouble standing straight from the cramping.

For Miss Playfulgurl's task, I decided to modify it slightly. The previous task was one where quantity achieved a quality all of it's own, but this was slightly different. I got my right leg up on a counter-top, around my waist height. The stretch tightened the balls, and I hit them with a much wider motion. I relaxed my right arm and whipped it around the leg, to finally whip my balls. It may sound complicated, but in reality it was simple and painful. I had to take a quick break before moving on.

For Miss Emmyred's challenge, I chose option A. I had some icyhot handy, and I'm a big believer in quantity over quality (I also don't want to have the "uneven ball walk" problem everyone else is going on about ). I squeezed a bit out, and massaged it into just my balls. I waited for a bit, while the gentle tingle turned into a nice burn, and proceeded with 40 hard busts, fully extending my hand each time, striking with force. I had to take a couple of seconds break between each one. By the time I was finished, by balls were on fire, and I was very close to orgasm - I had to stand still out of fear that any accidental touch or brush against my genitals would send me over the edge.

The icyhot is still stinging as I'm writing this report. I saw that Miss Emmyred made yet another challenge, and I quickly flipped a coin. It came up tails, but since I just finished everything that's a BUST for me

I signed up for three days, so after today I should have the right to request leave, correct?
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