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Old 10-06-2015, 01:49 PM   #6
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Default Edwards Fortyhands Challenge


Report written by: RiskyFlame
Dare written by: Dashie
Date of report: October the 6th
Length of the report: 5000+ words.
The Dare.

The basic idea of this dare is to perform the Edward Fortyhands Challenge (EFC). The EFC is about drinking two 1 liter bottles filled with liquid that are taped around your hands until both bottles are empty. However, in the case of this dare, these two bottles contain a laxative liquid mixed with water, soda, grape juice or anything other you’d like to drink. Once this dare has been done, a report will be given answering certain questions.

The Report.

I started off by gathering all necessary things for this dare. This implied that I had to buy a laxative liquid solution. I chose to buy Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative Oral Solution Grape via the internet. Once I received the package, I scraped the remaining items that were needed for the dare: two 1 liter bottles, a roll of duct tape, a stick and water to mainly fill the empty bottles with. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any 1 liter bottles at the time, so I used 1,5 liter bottles that I was going to fill up to 1 liter.

As any person would do, I started by reading the information leaflet that could be found in the box of the liquid laxative solution to make sure that nothing bad would happen to me afterwards. In this case, I was not thinking about the duct taped hands or the main effect of the laxative solution. I was thinking about the side effects and possible dangers of the laxative solution. For example (something that I read), that it would not be recommended to drink the solution if you have a certain kidney disease and to ask for the opinion of your doctor. After broadly reading the leaflet, I concluded that the solution was safe to use.

After clearing the situation, I continued with the dare. I picked up the two 1,5 liter bottles, took the cap off the lid and started filling both the bottles equally with the laxative grape solution. Once the bottles were evenly filled, I added water to them until they both reached a content of approximately 1 liter.

I capped both the bottles loosely, not to spill while duct taping the bottles stuck to my hands but loose enough to take off the caps after my hands were disabled. I looked at the table and thought this is it. I picked up the roll of duct tape, ready to tape the bottles to both my hands. I chose to tape a bottle to my left hand first, because I am right-handed. I undid a piece of the roll and place it just below my wrist. Next, I placed my hand firmly on the thickest section of the bottles. Final, I started to loop the roll of duct tape around my hand and the bottle. I decided to duct tape the bottle like the Egyptians rolled in their mummies 4000 years ago: circling around the object and slowly going upwards. Because of this, roughly every place on the bottle (and my hand) had two layers of duct tape on top of it, if not three layers. Once I finished, an almost perfect spiral of duct tape was placed around my hand and the bottle. I tried to move my fingers. It wasn’t a success; I couldn’t lift or even move a single finger of my right hand.

Next, it was the turn of my left hand to be duct taped. To those of you who were wondering what the stick was for in this dare, it’ll be explained now. I took the stick with my left, still free hand and placed it between my legs. I went to my back garden, rammed the stick into the ground with all my might and placed the roll of duct tape around the stick. Then I just took the same steps as I chose to take when I duct taped my right hand, except for one change only. My right hand is already secured with the duct tape, meaning that I can’t circle the roll of duct tape around my left hand. So instead, I circle my left hand (while holding the bottle) around the stick with the roll of duct tape. I expected that I wouldn’t get a just as nice a spiral of duct tape like on my right hand, but it would be good enough. So I placed a part of the just below my wrist, picked up the bottle with a firm hand and started circling my hand around the stick. Soon enough my left hand was fully secured to the bottle. I was surprised about how well the spiral turned out to be.

The last thing I had to do was to cut the roll of duct tape of my hand. When I started the dare, I thought of using a pair of scissors somehow. But once both my hands were taped, I figured that it wouldn’t be so easy to do so. I looked around and remembered that I once cut myself by accident when I grabbed the side of a stone wall once. Somehow, those stones were sharp enough to cut my skin, so I thought it would work for duct tape as well. I walked over to the stone wall and started sliding the end of the duct tape over the sharp stone. It worked, the duct tape was cut and the roll fell down on the ground. I decided that the job was done, left the stick and the roll of duct tape outside and headed indoors again. It’s a good thing that I left the backdoor open, because I totally forgot that both my hands were disabled now. I walked over the doorstep, hooked my foot at the back of the backdoor and slammed it behind me once I was inside again.

I walked to my living room and looked at the bottles. I thought about what was written on the information leaflet. The laxative solution should start working after a couple of hours; in about two or three hours to be more exact. I have never drunk this much water in three hours. In fact, I only drink when I am thirsty, meaning that I normally don’t reach the standard of one and a half liters of fluids. Let alone drinking two liters within a couple of hours. I knew it was going to be hard to drink both the bottles empty, but seeing that my hands were secured with duct tape didn’t really encourage me to continue the dare. Even so, I asked for the dare. So what excuse do I have for not doing the dare if I asked for it?

Still looking at the bottles and its fluids inside, I remembered that my family would be back just before diner time. I knew this before I started to do this dare, so I started early today. It was about half an hour that I started this dare and it’s only about 10:00 am. I had approximately eight hours left before they were back home, so I had enough time on my hand to perform this dare. Well, I assumed that I had enough time before they came back. But I won’t spoil this report for you, so you just have to read this report in its whole.

I looked down and thought about the way I was dressed. It never occurred to me that it might have been better for me if I had redressed myself into something more comfortable. Whether it’s during the week or at weekends, I almost wear the usual set of clothing. Boxers, jeans with a belt, a short, socks (duh) and some upper body second layers depending on the temperature. This is the standard of me, although I have tons of very different jeans, shirts, sweaters and stuff. But back to the report, I was wearing normal blue jeans with a black belt. A white shirt was added with a black emblem on it. Not to forget, short white socks and a yellow short trunk. Once again, I looked at the filled bottles. I saw that the belt might cause problems. With the bottles still closed, I tried to lower my jeans by putting the bottom of both the bottles on my waistband, pulling it downwards. As I thought, I can’t undo my jeans without undoing the belt first. A belt doing its job right, but this is exactly the problem. Eventually, my bladder will fill up nicely until I get the urge to pee. But because of my stupid belt, I either had to drink as fast as I can to take to remove the bottles so I could undo my belt or the other option: peeing myself. I wriggled my hands as hard as I could, but I couldn’t move a finger. Let alone undoing the duct tape all by myself.

I started thinking of any other methods for my release. I was shocked that I didn’t really thought about any release method before I started duct taping my hands to the bottles. I immediately started pondering. After a while, I came up with four release methods for which I thought would work.

#1 I could finish drinking the fluids until one of the bottles was empty. Then I would squeeze in the bottle and start to wriggle my hand while pushing the bottle away from my hand with my foot.

#2 I could stop drinking the fluids and let them flow in the kitchen sink. Then I would squeeze in the bottle and start to wriggle my hand while pushing the bottle away from my hand with my foot.

#3 I don’t drink the fluids and start trying to do anything within my power to escape the duct tape.

#4 I could play it dangerous and use a knife of some sort to cut the duct tape. I would hold the knife between my knees, pointing it upwards and carefully cut the duct tape. However, I figured that I would stab myself about a dozen times before I actually started cutting the duct tape.

Like I said, I asked for this dare. So I have no excuse to discontinue this dare. On top of that, people might assume that I wouldn’t finish the dare anyways, so stop giving me dares at all. Because of this, option two couldn’t be done. Option three has already been tried, but not been written down yet in this report. Somewhere between now and right after finishing duct taping both my hands, I tested whether I could undo the securement. I concluded a NO. Option three is not possible. As for option four, I simply don’t want to stab myself until I lose my conscious and bleed to death. Option four: scrapped. So any of the release methods I came up with, option one is my best and only option. I thought about this conclusion and figured that when even this release method fails me, I still already drank a lot and would almost be finished. Still, thinking about this all started because of one question that was still unsolved.

I looked back at the bottles again and as you might have figured out, I kept postponing everything that I should’ve already started at. Those two liters just seemed like a wall to me and I knew that once you started, there is no way back because of the laxative solution. Actually, the duct tape poses more like a wall to me with only one solution to break it: drink the solution. I assumed that I could only undo the duct tape when I squeeze the bottles, creating space beneath the duct tape so I could pull my hands out of underneath the duct tape. It finally became clear to me that I had to drink the solution unless I want my family too see the bottles taped to my hand. I lifted the right bottle and moved it towards my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth and prepared myself for what was about to come. Once the bottle reached my mouth, I slowly inserted the top of the bottle and closed my mouth. I clenched my teeth around the top and started to twist my arm and my head, each in the opposite direction. I took my time, postponing what is about to happen eventually. I lowered my right arm, lifted the left bottle towards my mouth while I spat the cap of the right bottle on the ground. A couple of seconds it took to remove the cap of the left bottle also. Both bottles were opened and there was no way I could close them again.

Just when I was about to stare at the bottles again, I focused my mind and knew what I had to do. I braced myself and figured I should start to drink the right bottle first to free my dominant hand first. I raised the right bottle and stop just above my chin. I inserted the bottle into my mouth and started gulping the solution, not taking it slowly. I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, making space for the solution. Not the solution itself, of course, but the thought of finishing the first bottle. I kept drinking and drinking until I couldn’t handle it anymore. The moment I reached my limit, I forced myself to drink just a little more. I opened my eyes and lowered the bottle. I laid down while steadily holding the bottles up straight and rested my stomach. I relaxed all my diaphragm muscles, tilted my head sideward and looked at how far I managed to empty the bottle. Close, but not close enough. I emptied about three quarters of the bottle.

After doing nothing for about 10 minutes, except for lying down on the couch and thinking about how this dare would end. I decided to continue finishing the bottle. I could strain my any muscle in my body again without causing pain to my stomach, which I saw as the right moment to continue drinking. I expected to finish the last quarter without taking a pause in between. I was just as much as a normal glass of water, not that big a deal I thought. I put the bottle to my mouth and slowly raised the bottom of the bottle, drinking the leftover of the previous time carefully. I took my time, not wanting to cause myself a stomach ache. A dozen seconds it took before I started drinking the air in the bottle, thus finished drinking. The first milestone has been reached.

Right after finishing the bottle, I started squeezing the bottle. I tried to create some space below the duct tape in order to let my hand slide out under tape. The duct tape would let go of my skin, so I prepared myself for my plan: option 1. I withdrew my right leg and placed my foot at the side of the empty bottle. Slowly, I started to push my foot against to bottle while I pulled my hand towards myself. I felt my hand slightly coming loose from the bottle, but my fingers were as stuck as they were before. I stopped squeezing the bottle at the moment I realized that it didn’t help me in my position, possibly only worsen the situation. Worsening the situation because by squeezing both sides of the bottle, the front and back (the back is where my hand is placed) will expand slightly. After a while, I pushed and pulled with a little too much strength and I hand started to hurt. It felt like my hand was being crushed while the skin was being ripped off at the same time. I lowered my foot and wanted to rub my right hand, but instead I looked at the left bottle. My right hand still burned like hell, so instead of my left hand, I used my elbow to rub the back of my hand through the duct tape. It didn’t help much; still the burning feeling was being reduced to a very irritating itching feeling which I thought was better.

I felt despondent. My plan didn’t work. My right hand was still trapped within the spiral duct tape and my left hand still held a bottle filled with a laxative solution. I laid down on the couch and cleared my mind. I neither wanted to drink anymore nor want to think of what to do. I just laid there and decided that I needed some entertainment aka television. I stood up, picked up the television remote controller and turned on the television. I kept zapping through the channels until I saw that the Simpsons were on. I left the channel on and saw that the Simpsons episode just ended. I opened the TV guide and saw that more Simpson episodes were about to come.

So I relaxed and watched an episode of The Simpsons. A few times I laughed and felt my stomach, but it was worth the laugh. The episode finished and I thought that it wouldn’t hurt if I would watch another episode. I really love the storylines and the humor of The Simpsons and new episodes were being broadcasted, or at least episodes that I haven’t see yet. In any case, I really didn’t want to drink the other bottle empty, so I would’ve postponed it anyhow. I better have some fun instead of just looking at this bottle, so I decided to watch one more episode of The Simpsons. The episode was just about to start when I made my decision, so my fate for the next 20 minutes was sealed.

Second episode: great! I laughed more as when I watched the first episode and it didn’t even hurt my stomach when I laughed. Another episode of The Simpsons was already starting, but I knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to watch a third one. I would be wasting too much time. In fact, I felt a slight level of pressure already and I still have a belt around my waist. In retrospect, I saw that I maybe should’ve started the second bottle at the very least. The level of pressure on my bladder is only about to rise while I’ll be drinking more and more of the solution, making me even more desperate to pee.

It has been about an hour ago that I started drinking the laxative solution. I started the dare about 90 minutes ago, the duct tape part took about 20 minutes, but I postponed the drinking part until 10 minutes later when I figured out that there was no way possible to remove those bottles from my hands when the bottles were still filled. Once I started drinking, it took me about 10 minutes to empty the first bottle. Afterwards, my stomach felt like it was about to explode for a few minutes. I relaxed for a quite long time, 40 á 50 minutes. While relaxing, I watched The Simpsons, better having fun than being bored. Then a new challenge was facing me: drinking the second bottle of the laxative solution. After the 50 minutes relaxing, I believed that I could finish at least half of the bottle. Even though I was still disgusted of what I was drinking, because normally I don’t really like drinking water, let alone drinking water with such vague flavor which I hate even more than just plain water. Still, it had to be done. So there I went, raising my left arm, my left hand, aiming the top of the bottle between my wet lips (of my face). Like how I drank me first bottle empty, I gulped the solution without taking a breath in between. Just get it over with.

I lowered the bottle and rested it on the empty seat next to me. I looked down at the bottle and saw that I had just a little more than half of it left. I was rather disappointed as I would’ve thought that I drank more than only 40% of the solution. It’s not that I wanted to stop drinking or that the taste is the problem at hand. I just couldn’t no longer because of my stomach and bladder. While I drank, the pressure in my bladder just skyrocketed. If I continued drinking anyway, I was almost sure that I would pee myself. I don’t really mind peeing myself; it’s not that I find it very humiliating when nobody will ever know about it. The thing about peeing myself is that I can’t change my clothing when I peed myself in this situation. I don’t want to breathe constantly in that pee smell and making the whole house smell like pee. What my family would think when they came home and smell such a smell, I won’t want to think about that. I decided to turn on the television again and watch another episode of The Simpsons, although the episode is halfway through already. But instead of just watching it, I continuing drinking the solution. I just hoped that I can hold my bladder until I finished the bottle and undid my belt.

So far, my plan worked. I managed to keep my bladder under control while drinking the solution and even having fun watching The Simpsons. I kept drinking the last quantity of the solution, portion by portion. After a while, I finished the ending half of the third episode and the beginning half of the fourth episode and I had drunk about a third of what was left before I started with my strategy. So far I was able to hold my bladder in check, but it was getting too hard at the moment. On top of that, my bowels started to convulse. I took swallow of the solution along with my confident in myself regarding being able to still control my bladder. Especially since my bowels started to convulse, uncontrollably straining my muscles. I wasn’t sure in how many minutes, if not seconds, I was about to pee myself. I faced the fact that I no longer could undo my belt before I peed myself. I stood up and walked towards my bathroom. I didn’t want to run, because I didn’t want to use more muscles than was necessary to get to I thought it would be the best to pee myself. I opened the door of the bathroom, went inside and closed the bathroom door from the inside. I knew nobody was home; it’s just one of my habits. I walked towards the bathtub, lifted my legs into the tub and stood there. I just had to get it over with.

The report is too long to be posted in one post, so to be continued in the next post.
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and you've been two of them.

—Hans Axgil—

Last edited by RiskyFlame; 10-06-2015 at 01:52 PM.
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