Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:18 AM   #22
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Good Story!!!

Keep going. Hope to see lots more!!!
Originally Posted by tallguy2241 View Post
(part 7)

The lights came up in the studio, and the show’s producer came back out from behind the curtain. “everyone having fun?” We all whooped and applauded (easy for us, we haven’t been on stage yet!). “Good. Okay, take a short break, stretch your legs, use the restroom, we start the next episode in 15 minutes.”

Michelle and I stood up and stretched, grinning at each other. “One down, 3 to go.” I said to her.

She laughed “Wow, this is intense. I thought I liked to show off, but …wow. I’ve got sweaty palms just thinking what they might do to me!” I nodded.

We spotted the nerdy blonde girl who asked the question at the beginning, and Michelle wanted to go talk with her, so we went over. She was looking more nervous than before, if that was possible. Michelle said “Hi. You going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I hope so. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“I don’t think any of us have” I said to her. “This is crazy.”

She nodded “My friends were supposed to sign up for this with me. They said it would be good for me, help me ‘break out of my shell’, they said. But then they chickened out! So I’m here alone.”

“But couldn’t you have backed out at the interview? Or just not shown up today?” Michelle asked.

“No….they were right. I do need to do something. But this is too much! I don’t want my first time to be up on stage in front of a bunch of strangers! Worse, this is televised!”

“Your first…oh.” I may be dense sometimes, but this I understood.

“Just relax” Michelle told her. “Your odds are only 50/50 that you’ll even get up on stage, and even then you won’t necessarily be the one to strip, and even if you do, it may not be that bad. Besides, it looks like you have a cute body, you should show it off a little.”

“Thanks”, she said. “I’ll just keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully I can keep my legs crossed too.” She chuckled at her joke.

“That’s the spirit” Michelle said. The lights dimmed briefly. “Looks like the 5 minute warning. We should get back to our seats. Hopefully we can talk more at lunch.”

“Thanks. I’d like that.” We went back into the studio.

The producer was back out on stage. “Okay, we’ll get right to it. Sit back and enjoy.”

The curtain was going up on episode 2.…
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