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Old 07-30-2015, 04:55 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by Alexis Rune View Post
Wow, so this thread hasn't been posted to in quite a while. I really have missed you, by the way Consider this a thank-you for your questions in my AMA.

Have you gotten any new toys lately? If so, can we get a detailed description?

I heard a rumor that you were feeling pretty hot and horny this morning. Is this true? If so, could you tell us why?

Finally, I am going to borrow this one from *somebody* (hehe):
Describe in depth one of your ... fantasies that you would NEVER be part of in real life.
I should wait until you answer your questions first, but I know Dark will want to read my responses so here goes.

Yes, I purchased two new toys this week. Dark has decided that I only have two sexual orifices so I needed something to occupy my mouth. My experience with gags has been a little like Goldilocks. The red ball gag is too big, black one too small. The new toy is a penis gag that fills my mouth just right. I also purchased a red impact cane because subbie brain is a horny slut and somehow decided that would be a good idea. I wanted to find something that I could use myself to leave bruises and marks on my ass. It will be fun to try.

Dark kindly suggested that I should suck on my penis gag as I drove into work this morning. I could make it about five minutes before I had to give my jaw a rest then I would insert it back in. Each vehicle that went by made me a little more horny. What really did it for me was moaning around the gag. I wore it on the way home and again when I edged. Great purchase.

Back in the early days of the Internet, there was a Usenet site that had a lot of stories. They made better masturbation fantasies since it took almost forever for pictures to load. Yes, it was dialup. One of the stories was about a resort where subs could volunteer to provide different services for the Masters. The most exclusive was the kitchen because the subs were prepared as hogs and cooked in the ovens. I have no earthly idea why I found the prospect so fascinating as it is something I would NEVER be a part of. The cooks were very matter of fact dehumanizing the subs and stuffing the cavities. The thought of the door closing shut would make me cum.

I feel like I should drop the proverbial mic and see if you can beat the last one. I've missed you too.
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