Thread: Fiction: A New Society
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Old 09-21-2009, 02:05 PM   #30
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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The consequences of our night of failed sex were immense. Our parents came home right away, having gotten a message. "Hannah, what the fuck were you thinking?!" Asked my father.

"I... I'm sorry, Dad."

"You know it's against the law!"

"It was just an imitation."

"I know, but now you're in deep shit. You shouldn't have... you shouldn't have tried. Now, we have a big problem on our hands. At the end of the school year, the Government says that you're going to have to go to a Reforming Camp for three weeks."

"A reforming camp?!"

"You have no choice in this. You're going and that's final."

"But why? It's not like we did anything wrong!"

"We trusted you, Hannah! And you let us down."

That was the end of the matter. This was all turning out horribly. Do you know what it was like for me to go about school known as "The Slut". The slut that had tried having sex with a chastity belt on, and got her dildo dislodged to prove it. Do you know what it was like for boys and girls alike to stare at what was between your legs- to have a cock perpetually, visibly prodtruding from your pussy. Up until that moment, I'd never been more humiliated in my life.

Finally, after the school year ended, I was taken to the Reforming Camp. For some reason, I have no memory of it, apart from being alone in a dark room. Crying. I remember that... I think they taught me how to behave like a good little girl. I... I don't remember anything else.

The day I turned eighteen I woke up early. I had all my stuff already packed, and I really didn't have to get up until nine o'clock Earth Time, but nonetheless, I woke up. And I walked around my neighborhood.

Part of me was glad to be leaving- glad to be far away from anyone who would call me a slut. Unfortunately, where I was headed everyone would call me a slut, but I didn't know that. After my second year with the dildo out, my friends came to accept it, and forgot about the incident. I was happy about that. By now, I was about to cry- thinking about leaving behind my friends, my Guardians.

If I had known where I was going I would have cried harder.

We drove to the Station. When I got out I was alarmed at how big it all was. There were so many people. So many fresh faces- so many people I didn't know. I couldn't see a single familiar person. It was all so overwhelming- I wouldn't see my Guardians, the people who'd raised me for the past seventeen years, ever again. It was horrifying- what would I do without them? I couldn't help it- I threw back my arms and cried on my Mom's shoulder.

She said, "Oh, don't cry, xasda!" (Xasda is the equivalent of honey or sweetie).

I hugged both of them goodbye, promised to write, and visit, and I headed into the station. Inside there was a conveyor belt. I daintily stepped on. In fact, I did everything daintily in those days. Moralitilty, decency, daintiness, and chastity had been hammered into me by society, "Ethics" class, and some sort of Reforming Camp.

The first "stop" had been a reception area. A mean woman asked me, "Name please?"

I said, "Hannah Kennings."

"Date of Birth?"

"December 31, 2510"

"Do you know your position?"


"Right... here's your passport. Have a nice day."

Position, I wondered, were they, like, going to hand out jobs? I was so nervous.

The next stop was a woman. She said, "All right, love. You're going to strip naked for me, all right?"

"What?!" I asked.

"Come on, I haven't got all day. Do you want your chastity belt off or not?"

Honestly, I didn't know if I did or not. It had already caused me enough trouble as it was. I decided to strip. I daintily removed my shoes, daintily pulled off my shirt, my bra, my skirt, my panties.

"Oh my freaking God." I heard her say. "Honey, is your dildo out?"

"Uh..." There were blossoms on my cheeks. "Yes... yes... it- got stuck."

"You tried a Geeja with your boyfriend didn't you? Or a Frump with a girl?"

"Uh... it was a Geeja."

She laughed. "Well, hon, soon you'll be able to fuck all the guys you want."

"It wasn't like that! I was with this guy for-"

She interrupted,. "Hey, hey, hey! I don't care! I'm just saying."

Apparently, the process for getting a Dislodged Dildo out was much harder than the ordinary chastity belt. She had to spin the dildo around five times, and then put in a little key thing. Then she pushed it up all the way back up my cunt. It felt so wierd having something back up there. Then she said, "You know what, honey, we're just going to have a little bit of fun first. You'll have time."

She went over to her computer and said, "You know how you had that button? Well you probably know about the switches in the back that controlled pleasure. Well, there's a computer program that does the same thing- I've been waiting for a slut to test one of mine on."

She headed over to the computer, and pressed a button. All of a sudden my pussy was being squeezed, vibrated. The dildo was moving in and out. Then it stopped and span. And as it spun around it vibrated. It just kept going, the pleasure was so, so intense.


GTG- comments!
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