Thread: Fiction: A New Society
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Old 09-19-2009, 01:26 PM   #21
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Sorry for the wait! Thanks everyone for your great comments! After this part, I'll go into someone else point of view.


So, I drove to go pick up my slaves. I took my shiny new car out for a spin into town. I followed the directions, and within a short period of 18 minutes, I was already at the Department of Slaves. I felt chills go through me- I was so excited. I had been waiting for eighteen years. I was so ready to get my slaves. I always had to clean my room, clean the house back at home; now I would have a slave to be my maid. I had wanted a slave to torture, to humiliate, to make my bitch for so long- now I was getting a Painslut. I had been kept in a chastity belt for eighteen years- now there was a slave just for me to fuck. And the dog would be nice too; I missed my old dog- Rasdusafiir.

As I sat in the car, just gathering my excitement, I thought about all the cruel things I would do. After a good ten minutes of fantasy, I checked back into reality (which was soon becoming a fantasy anyways.) I climbed out of the car, and hopped up the steps to the building.

“Shello!” Said a pleasant woman, inside.

“Shello, my name is John Truman."

"Ah, welcome! It's your first day here! Well, if you need any assistance never hesitate to simple call us up. We'd be glad to help. Oh, by the way I am Alice Jennings, the head of the Department."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about you." I lied.

"Well, I expect you are anxious to get your slaves."

"Yes, ma'am."


"Ah- please."

"Hmm... okay. But first you must sign this form."

I looked it over and found there to be asolutely no fine print, which was good. I signed it. "Good," she said pleasantly, "right this way then."

I followed her to a cell. There was a removable sign that said "John Truman's Property: CONTENTS- 1 Houseslave (female), 1 Painslut (female), 1 Fuckslut (female), and 1 Canis (male). HANDLE WITH CARE." I looked inside to see four eighteen year olds. Three were naked women, their chastity belts stripped off. The other was a Canis, chastity belt still on.

She said, "We're shipping them to your house in fifteen minutes; just thought you'd like a look."

"Thank you." I said.


It took forever to break my slaves. The Houseslave was pretty easy- Anna understood she was lucky not to have to be a Fuckslut, a Painslut, or a Canis. The Painslut wasn't too bad either, if only because I tortured her every day and punished her ruthlessly. The Fuckslut was very hard- she had gone from never having sex, and being taught to be a virginal goody-goody, to being a sex toy for me. I fucked her at least five times daily, and I loved it. But the Canis was hardest. It took about five yearsto make him fully into a dog.

In the fourth year, my Canis tried running away. And he succeeded- for a while. I put up "Lost Dog" posters, and eventually I got a notice from the Department of Slaves that said,

"Dear John Truman,

Your slave, MAX (Canis) was found yesterday by our police force. He was shipped to the Problem Slaves area. He should be returned to you in 4 months (estimated time).

In the meantime, here's five thousand euheds.

Have A Nice Day.

The Department of Slaves"

And, in four months and two weeks, Max was back. And broken. He acted completely like a dog, and never complained. I wondered what that Problem Slaves Area did to him.


My daily life was one of pleasure. But I didn't spend all my time with my slaves. I woke up whenever I wanted to, usually at the 25th hour (there are 100 hours a day). My Houseslave would have made me a delicious breakfast of whatever I wanted (sometimes Parka Juice and Darkdarklam, sometimes a nice Wasdoy Omlette and a big cup of Freka. The possibilities were endless.) Then I would have her make food for the rest of the slaves- Max would have dog food, and sometimes some of my scraps; my Painslut would have whatever entertained me to see her eat, the same for my Fuckslut; and my Houseslave, Anna, would make whatever she wanted, so long as she also drank a glass of her piss.

After that I was off to my job. It lasted only an Earth hour every day, and it was writing (something I liked to do.) I'd often go into the Forest of Gangalagon and write poems and stories. Then I'd come back to the city, where I met in a Domine's club for an Earth hour or two. We discussed techniques about how to torture our slaves, and talk about problems, as we modeled on the owner of the club's slaves (who were extremely hot, almost as hot as mine.)

Then I would go home and try some of the techniques on my Painslut and on my Fuckslut.

Let me explain something. Usually, the Painslut is just for inflicting kinks, and the fuckslut is just for having sex with. In fact, there is a law that states a Domine can't be excessively kinky with his Fuckslut, and can't fuck his Painslut. But, there is a special licence that one can aqquire. One that enabled it's owner to use his fuckslut and painslut interchangeably- that is, torture the one you fuck and fuck the one you torture.

Anyways, I'd have about three Earth hours of that, and then there would be lunch, made by Anna. If it was a Friday, then after this we would have the Government Mandated Fucking Session.

A Fucking Session has a specific routine. It's one of the few things on Hedonia that is regularly regulated. Let's say that it's a man and all three of his Fuckable slaves (Houseslave, Painslut, Fuckslut) are female. First, he lays the three down on a bed. He ties their wrists and akles to Bedposts, so they are immovable. Then he ties the Canis to the door so he's forced to watch. Next the Domine fucks all the slaves, one by one, as the Canis (in his cock cage) watches in jealousy and dismay. This was done (without protection, unlike all other times) so that there'd be an equal chance for a child to be born Houseslave, Painslut, and Fuckslut.

If it wasn't a Friday, then I'd go paint, or study, or hang out with my friends, or go for a walk, or fuck.

After that, I'd excersize, and I'd go to various clubs (the basketball team, the chess team (chess was a cheer-leader sport), the fans of the Frocky Frorrer Fricture Frow club, etc...), and do other things.

Then I'd have dinner, torture my slaves, watch TV, and fuck.


You might ask, did this get boring? No, it did not. There was plenty of excitement and meaning in my life. My slaves would often disobey. The law actually orders me to punish them ridiculously more than I should. So, I had fun with that. And often I would attend wild parties, or better yet host them myself. These were booze-fueled times to show off your slave.

I often took my three fuckable slaves, and made them display themselves for my guests. They'd expose their pussies, shake their asses, and let them see their boobs. But usually, I also ordered them to perform lesbian sex acts with eachother "onstage". Then, they'd spend the rest of the night either in perpetual torture machines (like a machine that made them cum every thirty seconds) or waitressing naked and humiliated. Sometimes, I'd order them to fuck my friends. Sometimes, when I could tell they were horny, I would forbid them from having sex.

Once, my fuckslut, Jess, had sex with someone at my party without my permission. I went to town on her. First I whipped her. Then I spanked her ass 2000 times. And then, finally, I led her naked to the top of the Gerts Building (the tallest building on Hedonia) and I let her drop in a suspension bondage stunt. She was fine, and hanging naked about a foot above ground. I put a sign next to her that said "I'm such a stupid slut, I cheated on my master. Use me however you want." I watched and saw people slap her ass, fuck her, even through garbage and shit at her. I left her there for two days, without food or water. Then, finally, I cut her down, and she never cheated on me again.

Cheating slaves aside, my life was still interesting, fresh, and new. Even with three women to fuck, I still wanted love. And I found it, with Ms. Valentine Smith, down the road. She was hot. She was kind. She was smart, funny, and wonderful. She was a strict mistress. And I loved her.

On the fourteenth of Gat, we were Combined. The combination ceremony was unceremonius, and not a ceremony at all. In fact, it was simply moving in. When we moved in, she had bore four babies- two with her Houseslave, one with her Painslut, and one with her Fuckslut.

Oh, incedentally, my slaves had four babies as well. My Houseslave had none, but my Fuckslut and Painslut each had two. But they'd been taken away long ago, nearly a year. By the end of our twenty two years in Hedonia, I had six children with my slaves, and Valentine had five (yet still looked great). And, when the houses were combined, the slaves were allowed to fuck each other (which they gladly did). They had a total of four children. And me and Valentine had one son, who we chose the name "Tom".


Let me quickly describe my slaves:

My houseslave, Anna was a charming brunnette with spunk. She would often engage in friendly conversation with me. She was an excellent maid, and an ever better cook.

My painslut, Amy, was a blonde who I typically humiliated and degraded (I usually saved pain for punishment.) She was hot, and had a nice ass. She had very large breasts, which were commonly tortured.

My fuckslut, Jess, was a blonde as well, and even hotter than Amy.

My Canis, who I named Max, was a brown haired human that never once wore clothes, or spoke. I had him constantly gagged, except for when he was given his food. He was a great dog, except for that time he ran away.


After twenty two years of fabulous fucking, masterful mastering, dreamlike dominance, and terrific torturing, I was forced to leave Hedonia. Valentine and I decided to leave together.

This meant, that as soon as the train passed a certain point (called Lover's point) we no longer were Combined, we were officially married. I was still deeply in love with her, and would be for the rest of my life (On Solinox, a mysterious force made marriage not the end of love, but it's beginning.)

I then worked in the government, as all Domines are forced to do. I could become a teacher, a doctor, a cock doctor, a pussy doctor (tempting, but no), a Department worker (desk job for the rest of my life? No thank you!), and a plethora of other opportunities. But I chose to become a wrter. I chronicled the system, and commented on it.

My life was good from then on. Maybe not as exciting. But I still had Valentine. Oh, and don't think we just went into a vanilla sex life. There were complimentary prostitutes at Government city (ex-fucksluts) whose life now was simply to be fucked by politians and pussy-doctors.

My life as a Domine has treated me well.


Comments please!!!!!
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