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Old 07-17-2015, 08:13 AM   #14
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To start with #1 brush smooth side #2 brush spiky side #3 wire hanger,

House rolled a 4 slytherin
Going to go for the full school years though if it gets too bad I suspose I could escape the battle though the room of requirement ��

Ok here we go

1st roll -6 ok great start back 3 to minus 3 5 swats for each cheek

2nd -5 no2 langlock! Put a clothespin on your younger for next 2 rolls

3rd -2 no4 accio! You accidentally cause #1 to fly at you ass 60 times each cheek
My poor ass already

4th -1 no5 fideliums charm! Hide 3 secret ice cubes in your ass
At least the ice soothed the pervious 60

5th -3 no8 you forget your password to your common room next roll backwards

6th -2 no6 expulso! Punch yourself in the balls 5 times hard
Think I'm going to be sick

7th -3 no9 gemenio! Repeat previous action

8th -5 no14 reducio! Dip balls into bowl of ice water for 2 mins
After the last 2 this is less of a punishment and more of a relief

9th -4 no18 Avada kerdavra you die restart
No1 you fall in the lake on way to sorting take a 6 mins ice cold shower and drink 2 glasses of water
Ahhhh after reading other I thought I was doing well to avid drinking!

10th -3 no4 accio! You accidentally cause #1 to fly into your ass 60 times each cheek
My poor ass, you would have thought I would have learnt

11th -5 no9 gemenio! Repeat previous action
Noooooo my ass

12th -6 back 3 well least it's not gone into a negative number my ass can rest
No6 expulso! Punch yourself in the balls 5 times hard

13th -4 no 10 dobby shows up to help move forward 10 but spank yourself 30 times with #2
My ASS thought I told dobby never to try and save me again!!!
Well least I get to move forward
No20 drink 2 glasses of butter beer

14th -1 wingardium leviosa once you get it up edge 3 times

15th -5 no27 you get a howler jump back 3 from shock
No24 error makes a crash landing punch yourself in the balls 10 times
Just threw up in my mouth a little

16th -5 no29 prior incantatiom repeat previous action
Now tears are properly rolling down my face

17th -6 back 3 no26 daro edge 3 times
Now my balls are aching not just from all the punches

18th -2 no28 drink 2 glasses of water

19th -4 no32 yeah into the second year
Flipped heads stay as I am
Incarcerous wear a crotch rope for the rest of the game

20th -2 no34 silencio use your panties as a gage for the rest of the game
Well least this will stop the neighbours wondering what's going on

21st -3 no37 obliviate you forget where you are next move backwards

22nd -5 no32 incarcerous wear a crotch rope for the rest of the game
Oh well it's already on

23rd -6 back 3 no29 ahhhh I'm back in the first year
Prior incantatiom repeat previous action
I get it keep the crotch rope on

24th -4 no33 graduated to second year again flipped again this time tails roll 2 dice. Detention with umbridge write I must not "be so worthless that I have to be in the 1st year 3 times" 3 times on your body

25th -3/3 6 no39 wingardium leviosa once you get it up edge 5 times
This hurts now with the rope

26th -4/1 5 no44 sectumsempra use #3 to hit each ads cheek 30 times hard
Ahhhhhh back to the ass

27th -1/3 4 no47 swim with giant squid place an ice cube in your mouth ass and hold one over each nipple, while having a hot shower when all ice melted take a cold shower for 3 mins
With the panties I'm my mouth the ice took forever to melt

28th -4/3 7 back 6 no41 dark mark tie a cloths pin to a string, one end around your left wrist and attach the clothes pin to your nipple for the rest of the game, if you are disloyal and pull the clothespin off the dark lord will punish you with 10 rubber and snaps before reapplying

29th -2/6 8 no49 repeat previous action
Can't put it on the left so put it on the right as well

30th -2/1 3 O,W,L,S 26/26 at least I know my Harry Potter is that a good or bad thing lol
No52 diffendo use a string to creat a cloths pin zipper including 10 clothes pins at least 1 on nipple 2 on balls.
Had to remove the clothes pin from my nipple for this so I guess I will be punished by the dark lord in a bit
Positions lip, both nipples (well he might as well punish both), 3 on cock 4 on balls. Most came off fine but put 2 of the ones on my balls on too far and really had to pull at the to get the off
Dark lords punishment now then 19 band snaps to each nipple

31st -2/3 5 no57 expulso hit yourself in the balls with #2 10 times
Think my balls are going to go on strike and pack up and leave they hurt sooooo much

32nd -1/1 2 no59 �� so close to finishing,
Repugno roll 1 die and go back that many spaces. Not so close now
No54 wait this isn't diagon ally its knockturn ally " knock" your self on each ass cheek each nipple and balls with #2 10 times each
Ahhhhh this caused Mr to "knock" the close pins off my nipples the dark lord going to punish me again with another 10 snaps each

33rd -5/4 9 yeah finished really bursting for a pee and ass red raw but only horcrux and battle to go

Horcrux rolled 6 Tom riddles diary reroll because to split his soul in 2 you now have to defeat 2 horcruxes
2 hufflepuffs goblet drink 3 glasses of water (interesting with panties in my mouth)and take a golden shower, well at least this releases the need to pee.
But is the game isn't over finchs punishment 75 with #3 to both ass cheeks
Next horcrux
4 taunts ring you saw what happens to morphe for misbehaving 60 #1 to each ass cheek followed by 50 #2 to each ass cheek then 40 #3 to each ass cheek
I'm not going to be able to sit for a year

Ok just the battle left to go rolled a 1 noooooooo don't even get relief here ruined orgasm

Thank you
Limits: smoking, family, outdoors, money

Likes: Not sure but I'll try anything once and if I don't like it it'll get added to limits

Last edited by Sissymills; 07-17-2015 at 08:34 AM.
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