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Old 07-13-2015, 10:12 AM   #43
Getdare’s Ginger Goddess
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Describe, in detail, your most embarrassing memory; the one that makes you physically cringe when you think of it.
I really can’t think of anything. I did break my foot in two places on stage with an audience, but that’s all I can think of.

Are you interested in hidden play in public (going out and having to put toothpaste on your clit in a public restroom/inserting sandpaper into the cups of your bra)?
Not really. I do fantasize about being tied between trees in the woods, but I think that’s different.

Tell us about the tone of your ideal master. Would this person be kind and tender? Rough and stern?
All of the above, when necessary.

Does it still excite you to see posts to this AMA or is your clit too sore?
I haven’t started the hits yet. I’ll complete them with my spankings. I’m starting to get rather concerned.

What is an unusual aspect of play that turns you on?
I like to know exactly what is going to be done. Anticipation trumps surprise.

If your next partner was obsessed with teasing and denying you, how long could you endure it before cheating and giving yourself an orgasm?
Days, but I’d be honest. And I wouldn’t be with someone who sets me up for failure like that. I’ve made it very clear that denial is a brainfuck for me, and isn’t something I can withstand long-term.

What is your happiest memory?
I feel like Harry Potter trying to conjure a Patronus for the first time… Probably finding out I made it into a prestigious performance company I toured with .
Female/In a switch marriage with a fantastic man whom I love, Stress.
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