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Old 07-13-2015, 08:07 AM   #39
Getdare’s Ginger Goddess
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Far, far away
Posts: 1,490
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are you a supporter of female superiority?
No. I’m a supporter of equality and acceptance of all gender labels.

What's comparative literature, or is it simple exactly what the name suggests?
It’s taking a look at how the literature of different cultures and languages has evolved, and focusing on how the writing styles of different time periods and countries is different for any number of reasons.

Would you rather have to live your whole life within 50 miles of a single spot, or have to move every year?
I move almost every year anyway, so I’ll go with that one.

Years of dancing must have left you with some good stories - what's your best one?
I don’t know. Most of my stories either involve injuries or crazy things that happened on tour. There was one time our bus broke down on the way to Dallas and I taught a dance class in the median of a highway. That’s something.

If you were offered perfect recall at the cost of never being able to forget things even if you wanted to, would you take it?
I have a rather good memory as it is. If there’s no penalty for not taking it, then no. I wouldn’t.
Female/In a switch marriage with a fantastic man whom I love, Stress.
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