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Old 07-13-2015, 06:39 AM   #32
Getdare’s Ginger Goddess
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You said that you judged attractiveness far more based on personality than appearance - so what personality trait do you consider most important?
The inability to carry on an intellectual conversation is a deal breaker for me. I have to be mentally challenged by my partner. The willingness to communicate openly is also key for me.

Do you prefer rope, metal or leather restraints?
I’ve only played with rope, but I would love to be bound in leather.

Would you rather give up sex or never be allowed to pleasure yourself?
Give up sex. I’m usually better at bringing myself to orgasm anyway.

If you could commission a sequel to any book, film or game what would it be?
OOOhhhhh. I’m very much looking forward to Harper Lee’s new book that comes out TOMORROW. Other than that, my gut is telling me a fourth book in the Maddadam Trilogy by Margaret Atwood (work of genius if you haven’t read it)

Given unlimited funds, what would your ideal house look like?
It would be a treehouse with a moat. It would be open, solar powered, and made of all natural materials. It would be a 3 bed, two bath house with a large garden.

Okay, I'll bite - what's this you-know-what that IWB keeps referring to?
Boi has designed me a series of tasks for my birthday. This thread is actually one of them. So is the spanking thread. But the I-know-what is a task that I’m not allowed to tell anyone about.

If you could have any job, what would it be?
I just quit my dream job. I want to be a published YA writer.

Would you rather give up penetration or clitoral stimulation?

What question do you most dread being asked?
This is a work of pure evil.
Asking about my weight… I’m very self-concious and rather muscular, so the number is higher than it looks. It’s also higher than it has ever been before.

What's the answer to the above question?
I’m really about 150 right now.

Oh my many click spanks. Thank everyone for posting so far! I'm really enjoying answering the questions!
Female/In a switch marriage with a fantastic man whom I love, Stress.
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