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Old 06-17-2015, 12:41 AM   #53
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Posts: 42


Thanks everyone for your answers, it seems like this is really a half/half situation (regarding the poll vote) but I heard you.

For all the people saying why I, should verify, well I hope you don't really expect a concrete answer because this is a kind of childish question (I don't mean that in a bad way) but why should you trust any of the mods here then?

But I understand it, and well I volunteered but honestly it could just be anyone trustful and I don't mind if it's not me, it would even be better (no work me)
You all seem to refer about female slave but I still think a lesbian female slave would be happier to know if "her mistress" is really a mistress, again, I did nit think in my personal interest, I did it for you guys, it is just an idea and a lot of you project themselves too far because you all seem really scared about this system. You all seem to talk about the peer pressure like everybody would get verified but you, when I think only a very few would be which means there would be no pressure on the others.

Of course they will always be ways to corrupt the system like everywhere else but this could at least preclude some of the wannabe fakes. (a kid wouldn't photoshop etc) when I wrote about you I had this idea in mind but didn't want to play the paranoid guy again my point was if you can put pictures of you in a public album you could do it privately to get verified but yes, who tell me you didn't stole those pictures? Maybe that's why you're against the verification system (kidding but you get my point) and maybe the 15 people who voted against it are indeed, fakes (again kidding but you get my point)

I don't mean this system to be a requirement, I don't know how many people there is on the site at the moment? (maybe someone could tell me) but I doubt there would even be more than 5% doing the verification thing, that's why I'm not afraid there would be peer pressure, I don't think there will ever be.

I will wait a bit more to see the results, for now noone can really take decisions
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