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Old 05-05-2015, 10:22 PM   #25
Senior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Genovia
Posts: 234
Blog Entries: 179

1. If you were of the opposite gender, what would your name be?

Basil, I think

2. What's one goal you'd like to accomplish this year?

Finish my masters thesis. Or finish the cheese essay for eivins.

3. What was your last online purchase?

Butterfly craft punch

4. Are you the type of person who enjoys taking naps?

Yes. Although I prefer to refer to them as 'horizontal life pauses.'

5. Where do you put your cellphone while you sleep?

Beside my bed.

6. What was your last encounter with the police like?

Good. Waved at them as I drove past.

7. What's your favorite type of sandwich?

PB and strawberry jam

8. What is the last photo you took of?

My new toys

9. If you could change your username, what would you like to change it to?

DisneyKitten. Totally just made that up.

10. What's the name of the last book you read, and what was it about?

Beauty by Robin McKinley, and it is an absolutely wonderful re-telling of Beauty & the Beast.

11. What is one thing you're looking forward to doing this month?

My mom is moving here next week and I get to help her move in and then start up her shop!

12. What is one thing that you'd really like to buy right now if money wasn't an issue?

A baby grand piano

13. If you have any tattoos or piercings, what/where are they?

Just ear piercings

14. If you could have any celebrity portray you in a movie, who would you choose?

Natalie Portman

15. What is a non-kink related hobby that you enjoy?

I love baking Especially cupcakes.

I do give dares, but I am not looking to form any relationships beyond friendship at this time.

I am being mentored by my dear friend Wardell.

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