Thread: Fiction: Nat / alie
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Old 04-22-2015, 11:42 PM   #21
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

(Been a bit, but here is the third story. I would love it if a mod could put in the title something like "New story posted as of 4/23" or something like that.)

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two
By Jappio

Part 1a (Nat)

I parked my car so I’d have an open space next to me. I waited there for a few seconds… hoping someone else would park nearby or someone would come out of the mall. I was in luck, as a gentleman stepped out of the building and was walking down this aisle of cars.

Once he was close enough, I opened my car door. I swiveled my legs to the side and let them dangle over the pavement for a second. The wind was acting up already, and I paused to try and push my hair out of my eyes.

This of course left my tiny little skirt to flap about some too, and with how much I let it ride up on the car ride over, meant that the man heading my way would have a great view of my total lack of underwear today! That, in a way, was what I came to the mall to fix.

I of course own a naughty collection of cotton and lace already, so it wasn’t dire. Being without panties at this time was of course a conscious decision I made. Today I was going to have some fun showing off.

For the longest time I’ve loved showing off. I like when people stare or notice me. I like the way I can leave them speechless. There’s this tantalizing rush that comes with it all, something that excites me both mentally and physically. Even then, as I hopped out of my car, knowing someone could be looking at my pussy.

Natalie, my other half, hates that I do this stuff. She wants to keep our body hidden. Perhaps that just adds more thrill to it, being told to not do this. I love how flustered her friends describe her after we switch places. Today though, I just wanted some time to myself… well time to myself and everyone else lucky enough to catch a glimpse under my skirt!

I made sure not to look at the man, I didn’t want to let on I was showing off. I know just how much more some people like this stuff when they think it’s luck. So with the wind still kicking and pulling at my skirt, I turned towards the inside of my car and reached in… I had to get my backpack on the passenger seat.

The whole time, I’m bent at the waist and my butt is out behind me, my hips swaying slightly as I pretend to struggle to get a hold of my pack. I can feel the hem of the skirt leave by butt, surely exposing both my cheeks. I probably was showing a bit of my lips between my slightly parted legs in the process as well.

I didn’t want to ham it up too much out there, so I do dragged my backpack from the car and put my arms through the loops. With it secured, I turn and walked my way to the mall. I couldn’t help but glance at the man as I passed him. From where he was standing, I was sure he had stopped to stare. He also had this nervous smile on his face. He even tried to get a look down my shirt… which, by the way, was a simple blue blouse with the top three buttons undone, showing some cleavage.

I didn’t touch my skirt, so it still flapped about. I was sure he would get a few more looks at my bare cheeks peeking out as I walked away, if he dared to try and look. I wasn’t about to turn and catch him in the act… I of course wanted him to think he could get away with it.

At the doors to the mall, I stepped inside. Though I came during a slower time of the day, there were still plenty of people milling about. I was happy to see I would have many people to have fun with.

With my back to a nearby wall, I pretend to be resting. I didn’t want anyone seeing me set up my next game. The mall itself obviously didn’t have the same winds as the outdoors, and skipping about in such a short skirt would look a bit too tacky for my tastes.

I instead started to pull the back hem of my skirt up. Soon I could feel my butt come into contact with the wall behind me. It was devilishly fun to feel something like the wall on my bare skin, but there was more to my plan. You see, my backpack is special. I call it my ‘exhibitionist kit’. It aids me in some of my games, and today I was going to do a classic with it.

Perhaps some of you have been lucky to see this type of scene… a girl walking about not paying much mind to the fact that the back of her skirt got caught in a waistband or something like that. My kit was going to be pinching my little skirt above my butt… leaving my whole backside bare! Surely it would look like an accident to most.

So with my plan set in motion, I moved away from the wall and into the mall proper. I started to pass by the shops, and pass by people who would hopefully be wise and lucky enough to look my way as I sauntered along.

It was very fun, not really knowing if anyone was looking. Again, I wasn’t going to turn around and catch anyone staring, I wanted to remain oblivious to the supposed bad luck that had befallen me. Everyone ahead of me had no clue, and no one behind me was rushing to warn me, hehe.

Sadly, good things do come to a close at times. A woman did speed up to approach me. “Miss… um you may want to fix your skirt, your backpack is sort of being a bit rude,” the woman tried to politely warn me.

If my fun was getting cut short, I was going to milk the situation. “What do you mean? Someone didn’t put a note on it, did they?” I asked as I started to swivel my body to look at the pack. This though just meant I was shaking my ass for those who were looking my way!

The nice woman started to speak up again, but clearly was feeling a bit awkward about the situation, “um, no, it’s trapped under your backpack.” The explanation was sadly clear now, so I had to react somewhat accordingly, but I wasn’t about to cover up yet!

First I acted being in denial. “No way!” I exclaimed as I brought both my hands around to check for myself. Of course I was able to put my hands on my bare bottom, and that’s when I let my eyes shoot wide in fake shock.

The woman now had an apologetic look as I quickly looked around, seeing exactly who all was looking. I was happy to see that there were a few heads turned my way. Ever the performer, I quickly tried to turn away when I caught the stares of those who were directly behind. Yes, of course that meant I just mooned anyone who wasn’t behind me, but that sort of was the point, hehe!

Finally, I couldn’t appear to be a total ditz, so my hands did finally tug the tiny skirt down. I then stood there, looking at my feet… not to hide a blushing face, but to try and make sure no one could see a grin that was attempting to overtake my face!

The woman apologized, though she didn’t exactly have to, at least not unless she knew I did it on purpose. I still stood there, occasionally looking up. I still had people looking my way, I mean I was completely commando under a short skirt, and I think they were hoping for another look.

In those cases, I don’t want to appear a show off, so I do carefully start to walk away, and towards my next plan. The little stunt with the skirt was just the warm up if the real thrill of the day!

Down just a few more stores was a nice little lingerie shop I’ve scoped out before. They have the loveliest sets of underwear, the kind you would very much want to have someone see you in! Not that at the moment I wanted the cover, but lingerie shops can be quite the place to fluster people.

Stepping inside, I was already planning out my stunt. Two girls were working the place, and I was happy to see that it looked like they’re day had been boring so far. One was paging away at some magazine, while another was straightening some display. I knew then just how fun it would be to bring some excitement to their day!

“Could I get someone’s help while I shop?” I asked as I approached the two. The sort of goth chick with the magazine only looked up once and then looked back down. The other hadn’t even noticed I came in either it seemed, so she seemed a little startled by my request. She was however much more helpful.

“I can miss, is there something I can help you find?” the girl sweetly responded. I think I was going to like her, she seemed the exact type of ‘victim’ I would like to have for my fun.

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, but…” I looked over at the one with her nose buried in the magazine, as if making sure she wasn’t actually paying attention. I didn’t mind one way or the other, but it made sure I could fit the role. “I really need something to wear… I was going to surprise my girlfriend with something else, but I think I’ve had a change of heart,” I explained.

Now, my girlfriend Haley, for those who don’t know, is a wonderful lady. However, the story was mostly made up. Yes, I would like to get something I could wear to excite her some, but I really was just there for the exhibitionist thrill. That being said, Haley is a wonderful girl who supports my fetish. She loves it when I come home and tell her how I got people all flustered looking at my body. She comes with usually, but she was busy at school this particular day.

“I think I understand. Nothing to be embarrassed about, I’m sure we can find something nice for you two to share,” the sweet girl offered. I’m sure a lot of girls who are shy ask for a bit of help from the workers. I just wanted someone to rile up.

She asked me if I had any basic ideas, and so I decided to explain as we walked away from the counter and towards the racks, “you see… she’s sort of really into… well she likes looking at me I guess. I think she wants something that shows a lot off or draws attention.”

The woman gave a warm smile, trying to be welcoming. “Well, I think I can help out a bit with that.”

As we got away, I decided to deal my first blow to her, the first thing to catch her off guard. “Yeah, it’s really embarrassing, but this skirt was sort of her idea you know… it’s so short…” My explanation instantly caught her attention as she did look down my skirt.

As she watched, I pinched the hem at my hip and began to lift it up on one side! More and more, bare flesh was shown, and I could tell she was just waiting and waiting to see what kind of panties I would supposedly already have on! Of course, there were no panties to see. So, I kept lifting until I got to the waistband, my entire bare hip, part of my bare lap, and nearly my lips were on show! The sweet girl’s mouth had been dropping at just about the same pace that my skirt had been rising!

“I thought she’d be thrilled to see me without anything… but I’m losing my nerve and I think she might also sort of enjoy… you know… unwrapping her gift too,” I finished. I avoided eye contact as much as possible. You never want to seem too forward.

“Oh sure… I understand… yeah, it’s pretty risky to walk around like that, so we can find you something,” the girl nearly gasped out. Hook, line, and sinker! She was definitely the type! Though I was the one nearly exposed, it was her face that was turning red.

I’m not sure if she caught on as we pawed away at the dainty bits of cotton and silk. Every time she’d show me something, I would almost always suggest something else, something a bit more risqué. I could tell she was probably trying to find stuff that would be easier for a shy girl, something more appropriate for a short skirt, but I of course didn’t actually need something meant for modesty.

After picking out a few things, I asked her to show me to the changing room; which she did. Off to the side of the store was an entrance way to a small room. Inside, there were two cubicles with curtains, and a sitting area. I brought my potential purchases to the room.

“If you need anything else, do not be afraid to ask,” she reminded me as she was about to leave.

“Wait,” I stopped her from going. “I could use a bit more help. Normally, my girlfriend helps me out with this sort of thing. I really don’t know what she might actually like on me. Would you mind staying?”

Now, it’s never easy to try and do this sort of thing without being overly overt in my intentions. I tried to look away, and avoid eye contact, as if the question had been difficult. At the same time, I wanted to see the look on her face! Every glance I took, I saw her face was read, as she was trying to decide what to do. Either girls don’t normally ask for help in that regard, or she was still new here. She had this wonderful air of innocence that I loved teasing!

Of course, she was going to be a good employee, and she agreed, “I’ll help you out miss, I suppose. If you wanted to step inside and you can call me over when you want me to look.”

Now, when I stepped into the little box, I was very tempted to not close the curtain behind me. However, I was going to take things slow, so I instead shut it behind me. I was happy to see myself in the mirror, just a thin outer layer at all hiding me. I playfully lifted my skirt and flashed myself. I knew soon that my assistant was going to see plenty of that!

I picked up probably the tamest of things picked out; it was a bikini cut pair of white panties, with some lacing. The fabric was soft and thin though, and surely not an everyday thing. Again, trying to pace myself, I pulled them up my legs and kept my skirt on.

I opened up the curtain, and found the sweet thing waiting for me. She was being a very good employee, so I was glad to be rewarding her with a bit of fun!

“Ok… tell me how they look…” I meekly asked, as my hands shakily grabbed the hem of my skirt. Before I could even lift it far, I saw her look over her shoulder out into the store, as if making sure no one caught me flashing her!

When she looked back, I’d gotten the hem up and exposed the lacy, white garment to her. Her eyes grew a bit wide as she was seeing my womanhood wrapped in the white fabric. The red from her face did not fade as she checked me out. I could feel my own heart rate increase, having this stranger look at me so intently.

“You look good in those…” she said.

I kept my skirt up as I looked down at myself, shifting my hips to get a few different angles. “You really think? I don’t know if she’ll like it at all.”

Then, just as I was fishing for, “you look great, she’d love it!” She almost sounded panicked, as if not wanting to offend me. I loved just how cute she was.

“I should probably try the bra though, one second,” I said excusing myself. My quick rush into the cubicle meant I had an excuse to leave just an inch of the curtain open. I only had to glance once to know that she was indeed spying me through the gap!

My fingers flew to my buttons, and I started to take off my shirt. This left me topless, and if my assistant were smart, she’d be able to see my bare breasts in the mirror! I got out the matching bra and inspected it. It was time for my second step as I put my arms through it.

“Miss, would you come in here and help me fasten me?” I asked, trying to sound as if having trouble with it.
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