Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Prison Island
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Old 11-15-2014, 04:07 AM   #21
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Chapter 20

It was Thursday morning and they had just finished breakfast. Ruby, Kate and the rest of the prisoners, both the girls and the boys, started to line up outside in their white jumpsuits for this special occasion. The warden had not arrived yet, but the guards were hard at work making sure everyone had lined up in a nice formation.

The line up took around thirty minutes until the guards were happy and they placed themself to both sides of the prisoners. Then the warden walked up next to them, heading for the front of the group. She wore the same outfit as she did on the arrival day, except she also had a long dark coat on her now.

She cleared her voice before addressing everyone. "Good morning inmates."
  "Good morning warden Amy!" Everyone replied in unison.
  "Today is the start of something big for this prison of ours. As some of you know, on Monday we start the twenty fifth 'Path to Freedom' tournament. And to celebrate this anniversary, we want to make it a special one in hopes of breaking records."

The warden took a small break and received a note from one of the guards behind her before continuing. "We are changing a few rules to make it more interesting. Firstly, you will now work in teams of two, made out of cellmates. This means that both have to sign up to be able to participate. This will of course change the amount of winners, meaning two girls will be winners from the girls tournament, and the same with two boys from their tournament." Again she took a short break to let it sink in with everyone.

"Now, to encourage more of you to sign up, we will not have any additional time added to your sentence if you lose this time. Today we will be giving you all some time off to relax and discuss with your cell mates if you want to participate or not, and then tomorrow you can sign up.” She put away the note and then proceeded finish her speech.
  "Now, since we need to get ready for this special edition of the tournament, we have had to shut down all other buildings than the cell blocks to make them ready for the show. Therefore you will be confined to your cellblocks from today until Monday morning when the tournament begins. This time we have had a record amount of volunteers signing up to help us make this tournament special. So to all of you, consider joining this time to make it an eventful tournament where both you and your cellmate have a chance to win your freedom. That is all, good day." The warden said ending her speech and walked off.
Once she was out of sight the guards sent everyone back to their cells.
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