Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Prison Island
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Old 10-29-2014, 03:00 AM   #3
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Chapter 2

Once the ship that was carrying them had docked at the port they were escorted off in a single line, each of them handcuffed with links holding them all together. The sky was dark and the only sounds coming from the island was the waves hitting the shores. No sounds at all came from inside the prison, you could just see the lights that shone across the courtyard back and forth as the guards kept watch.
  At the gates they were met by two armed guards who opened the big gate to let them in, after everyone had stepped inside, the gate shut close behind them again.
  “Don’t stop here, keep moving!” The guard shouted at them as they all stood and watched their surroundings. “Step inside this building and you will get your cell numbers and go through the information briefing.”
  They just followed him without anyone daring to say anything.
Inside the building they got let loose from the chain that held them all together and they only had their handcuffs left on. They got seated down inside what looked like an old classroom and a woman came in and went to the front of the room, she was tall and had short dark hair pulled behind her head. She wore a tight white shirt along with a long black skirt, she seemed very different from the rest of the guards.

“Thanks officer” She started and the guard raised his hand to his head for a salute and stepped towards the door to keep guard.
  “Welcome to your new home. I’m going to keep this briefing simple to give you the basic overview of this place. Your first week will be a week of learning, so any questions you still have after this briefing you will get answered within this first week. Understood?”
  Everyone nodded without speaking.
  “Good!” She continued with her firm voice. “Now let me introduce myself. I’m Amy, warden of this prison, unless any of you become a problem you won’t see me much, and that would be a good thing for all of us. Each of you will be placed in a cell with another prisoner who have been here for at least a week at minimum, they will be able to answer most of the questions you have at this point. The prison cells are located in two different buildings, one for the men and one for the women.” She looked at everyone to make sure they were still following her.
  “Starting tomorrow you will be placed in different jobs, a new one everyday for the first week and then we decide along with each of you what to do next, there are some other options available later on but ask your new cellmates for more details on that. Wake up is at 06:00 and from that time you have one hour to eat in the cafeteria. At 07:00 you will be at your cells again until you are picked up by someone responsible for your job that day.” She looked around at everyone before continuing.
  “Now you will be escorted one by one to your cells, so just sit tight and we will call each of your up and escort you into the cell block”
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