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Old 07-11-2009, 03:16 PM   #72
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Default here is the next part sorry it is a bit short hope you all enjoy it

part 20

Jenna was afraid and excited at the same time hearing these words from her friend.Ok jenna now i am going to state your rules for this weekend kneel and remain quite until i am done.Jenna quickly knelt on the floor and replied with a yes master.First Of all from this point you will refer to me as master as you usually do and refer to Kristy as mistress.second rule you will remain as you are in your underwear for the weekend unless told otherwise by me or your new mistress.The third rule your mistress has as much power over you as i do.Your forth rule is that you will be on your hands and knees at all times unless instructed or kneeling where you have been told.If we leave the house at all panties may not be worn unless stated by us.All your general rules i gave you online still are in affect do you understand my slut.

Jenna new this was her cue to talk she quickly said yes master i understand and will obey.Good slave now that we have that sorted out your first oder is to go upstairs to your mistresses room and retrieve the red bag i braght with me."Yes master" Jenna quickly went and retrieved the bag and returned to her master and her new mistress.Here we go master Jenna placed the bag at her masters feet.Ok slave kneel before your master and mistress and close your eyes.Jenna did as she was told then all of the sudden she felt something close around her neck.She also heard her master moving around her and then all of the sudden her master ordered her to get on her hands and knees and open her eyes.When Jenna opened her eyes she was shocked the first thing she saw was a mirror with her reflection.Then the red coller around her neck that wasent all attached to the coller was a leash and a tag saying masters pet.Jenna herd the words good pet but they where not from her master but from her new mistress.

Ok slave you will now wait here kneeling for your master and mistress to return is that understood "yes master".Once her master and new mistress had left it hit her for the very first time she was just Humiliated in front of her best friend and the worst thing was that she enjoyed it.she could all ready feel her pussy lips getting very wet from how she was dressed and treated.She was truly her masters and mistresses slave not because they forced her to be but because she enjoyed being a slave and wouldn't want it any other way.

"Kristy and jake where talking as they headed down to the basement of the house"See sis i told you it would work i mean you saw her on the web cam she will do almost anything we tell her to.Yes you are right i am glad we arranged this before hand now lets get to the basement and add the finishing touches on it."they both smiled from ear to ear as they went in to the basement.

Jenna had no idea how long she had been kneeling in the lounge waiting for her master and mistress to return but when they did return they ordered her on to her hands and knees and pulled her along by the leash to the basement of the house.Jenna went throe the basement door after her mistress and master and her jaw dropped as soon as she entered the room.
24 m from south Africa.
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