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Old 12-14-2014, 01:35 PM   #20
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Default An attempt to be interesting

Originally Posted by RiskyFlame View Post
--• By who or what do you want to be forced or controlled?
I would love my wife to do this. It is unlikely, so strangers on the internet and dice are the best ways open to me.

--• Do you like to be blackmailed, too?

Probably not. I mean, I can see the attraction, but my job makes this sort of thing very difficult.

- If yes, why about being blackmailed turns you on?
- If not, why not?

Mainly my job. I'm in a position where things such as this are considered to affect what I do (I disagree) and therefore security of my own private life is paramount.

--• Did someone (so not fate) forced you to do something?
- If yes, that thing that he/she forced you to do, was that related to anything kinky?
- Did he/she know that you like to be controlled?

Sort of. My mad-ex did so when I asked her to, meaning that she knew, but she wasn't happy with it at all. It may even be one of the reasons we were incompatible. Some strangers on the internet have taken pity and tried to force me to do things and I thank them for that. Yes, it was kinky.

--• Did someone (so not fate) controlled you?
- Who is or was this person?
- What did you have to do? (your most exciting example)

My mad-ex. I was handcuffed and naked whilst she was clothed. I hate having bracelets and bright colours on so I was dressed in bright colours and glow bracelets were put on. This was on two separate occasions.

--• Did someone blackmail you before?
- If you get the chance to be blacmailed by a trustworthy person, would you accept it?
- Are you willing to be blackmailed by a family member or a good friend?
- Are you willing to be blackmailed by someone you know in real life, but don't know well enough?
- Are you willing to be blackmailed by someone you've never seen or someone from the internet?

No one has blackmailed me yet, I don't have much blackmail worthy material. I'd be interested, yes, but like I say - it would not be possible to actually do this in real life due to my job. Unless it was my wife, I guess, I'd trust her.

--• What turns you on more, being forced/ controlled by a male or female?
- Are you straight, gay/ lesbian or bi-sexual?

To be honest? Females. I'm straight. Both would be acceptable however.

--• What kind of "being forced and controlled"-fantasy do you have?
- For how long are you forced or controlled?
- By who? (gender, age, what does he/she look like, ...)
- Something more you want to say about it...

Good question. I'm not certain. I have proclivities to being cross-dressed and feminized, so that would play a part, but I enjoy the experience of being unable to say no to something so pretty much anything would be open I guess, within reason and with consent. As to who does the controlling, my wife would be awesome, but unlikely. So...

Given most people who would do this are anonymous and on the internet I guess what they look like, even their real selves, are pretty irrelevant. They can pretend to be anything they like.

--• Do you have fantasies about being blackmailed?
- For how long are you blackmailed?
- By who? (gender, age, what does he/she look like, ...)
- What material does he/she blackmail you with?
- Is he/she anonymous or known?
- Something more you want to say about it...

Alas, no. As per above statements, I haven't given it enough thought to have fantasies about it.

--• Does the relationship between you and the one who controlled you have to be 'pure' or can she abuse, use and humiliate you whenever, however and wherever he/she wants?

The latter. They would be in control after all - the fun is in giving up the control and responsibility. Provided I had veto, ultimately, then pretty much what they want to do. Ultimately, if I don't like it, I leave - no harm done.

--• Do you want him/her to fully control you or just for a part?
- What can he/she control and what not?
- Any reasons why you choose for this?

It would be full control, but for short periods of time - my paranoia is strong. They could control pretty much anything but my relationship with my family and co-workers. Why? Well, outwardly I'm respectable and, for all I'd love a revolution, I have vulnerable children to look after (mine) and a mortgage.

--• Do you want to give videos and pictures away to the one who controls you, knowing he/she would never disclose them?
- Who would this person be?
- What kind of pictures and videos? (with or without face, humiliating, naked or clothes, ...)

Depends, do they want them? Probably not. It's hard to get photos of me in my current home set up. I'd try, but I couldn't guarantee anything. Again, the person would be someone who I could trust as much as they could trust me, we're on the internet, we're careful.

--• Did fate ever controlled you, e.g. by rolling a die?
- What's your most exciting example of fate that controls you?
- Do you like this more than being forced or controlled by a human?

Dice dares are great. I love the Proctor by Ms Cassandra, line writing, faproulettes (rollinfap.tumblr) and that kind of thing. Ultimately, I've been controlled by a human so little that I have little basis for comparison. As a consequence, I'd say that I enjoyed dice dares and the like very much.

--• Are you interested in a Android app or computer program that automaticly controls you?
- What functions is it allowed to have? (webcam, picture, reports, disclosing stuff, controlling your internet usage, controlling what you wear, etc.)
- Do you want to let this program completely control you or only partly?
- Do you like the idea of a program controlling you more than being forced or controlled by a human?

I find this fascinating but haven't really given it much thought. I'd say it could control everything but disclosing stuff without my consent and with the restrictions on family and work detailed above. I would like partial control by computer program and... I'd like it about equally to be controlled by a human.

--• What do you think right now? (only related to this thread)
- Did you found out something about yourself after thinking a lot about this subject and these questions?
- From a score of 1 to 10, what's the rating you give this thread?

I did find out a bit about myself, yes. Thank you!

I'd rate this 8/10. Why? Well, it's qualitative, thoughtful and well crafted but by being a survey can't be perfect. It's a survey!
Clothing / Preferences // PM Dares // Team-Up Calendar (please add) // Chastity // Femdom IRL

old/transwoman/attracted to Females & Femininity/shaved pubes, legs and armpits

And that's all she has to say about that.
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