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Old 11-24-2014, 04:52 PM   #27
SweetSwitch's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: United States
Posts: 79

1. Headphones or earphones?

2. What is your "getting ready for a date" ritual?
Shower. Hair dry. Makeup. Pick clothes.

3. Have you labeled yourself things (such as OCD, depression, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD) without a professional's opinion?
I have; I thought I had depression a while back.

4. Aliens. Do they exist? Are they here already?
I always love this question. Think about it. Here we are on the Earth, the only known planet to sustain life. We live in this huge fucking universe. There's gotta be another planet like Earth. They exist, but we haven't found them (and they haven't found us yet).

5. Pirates. Favorite non-fictional pirate?
Jean Lafitte.

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair on the opposite sex?
Long hair!

7. If you discovered an unknown land... what would you name it?
"Floydia," after Pink Floyd.

8. In your opinion, what is the most adequate type of legal system?
One that's not corrupt, and it must work towards improvement.

9. Would you rather be the cheater or be cheated on?
I'd rather be the cheater.

10. Have you ever cheated in school (pre-school through grad school)? Don't lie! :P
I'm not really good with names and this particular test was for history and I wrote all the names on my hand.

11. How many children do you want, if any?
In the far future, I'd want one child.

12. Do you consider sex to be an important part of a successful romantic relationship?
Well, sex isn't everything, but yeah, it's important since you both trust one another with it.

13. How long have you gone without bathing?
I've gone without bathing for a week (whoops).

14. Do you like the way you look?
I'm always unhappy with my image, so no.

15. Have you ever found yourself quoting a Disney movie?
Yeah. You know, "Hakuna matata."

16. When was the last time you blushed?
Last week.

17. Are you happy?

18. What is your favorite pastime?
Sitting in a dark room listening to Pink Floyd and The Beatles. Sometimes you get weird hallucinations without drugs.

19. Least favorite food?

20. Who has inspired you to be a better person?
My friends.
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