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Old 10-17-2014, 05:58 AM   #1
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Default Slave to getdare until next slave NO LIMITS version

I'm snatching an idea from cmiller here so I'll let him explain most of it. There's three changes though:
  1. The slave has no limits other than personal safety and giving up control of their getdare account
  2. Each slave should include "and this is the link to blog where I'll be reporting on the dares I get" in their introduction
  3. report on each dare, or at least acknowledge not doing them and why. If not, don't ask to be the slave again for at least a week. EDIT: When you are done with all your reports, post "reports done" and a link back to your blog on this thread
Originally Posted by cmiller View Post
I'm new to the site but have been lurking quite a while, I noticed the slave til next male and slave til next female posts, however, just like the Master/slave area of this site there's potential problems of numbers of users for what's being looked for. So what I'm doing here is a new version, one for both genders.

In this, a willing submissive person will subject themselves to the will of the entire getdare community, post your likes/limits, and then from that point you are at the mercy of the community. You will be responsible to complete every dare posted underneath your post until another slave comes along and makes a post replacing you. There should be no confusion as to your dares as you do everything until you see a "I will be the next slave" post or whatever they put.

For darers, you post dares to the last slave to have posted in here accepting the position.

This method allows all people to post dares, male and female, and when another slave feels that one has suffered enough they may take sympathy and jump in.

It's suggested that all slaves that take over upon completing all their dares, post a blog with a report of all of them so the community may see.

This being my first thread I start I hope it catches on. I'm not accepting the position as first slave as I am a top but I wanted to start this up. So first slave willing shall be the new public slave.
I'm not accepting the position as first slave as I am a top but I wanted to start this up. So first slave willing shall be the new public slave.
Evil sadistic dare giver and proud inventor of "cumulative hot potato".

People who flake or don't write detailed dare reports piss me off

Last edited by linearizationcannon; 10-17-2014 at 12:58 PM.
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