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Old 09-28-2014, 07:43 PM   #1
Transvestite's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 45
Male 21/male/slave seeks any age/male/master in any location (have webcam)

21/male/slave seeks any age/male/master in any location (have webcam)

EDIT: I thought people would be asking about passability, I think I'm reasonably passable, I can send you pictures when you add me on skype

Hello Everyone!

First please note, my age is 19, not 21, getdare messed some things up earlier when I signed up so my age is incorrect on the site.

Once again I am posting in search of a master.

Note: I prefer to be on webcam at all times.
About me:

I have an extreme kink for crossdressing/feminization, if you're not into this I don't think we will be a suitable match, just letting you guys know before you continue reading.

I'm 19, I'm studying in university in australia, I have a lot of interests, if you really want to chat with me, I suggest adding my skype which I'll locate at the end of the post, please send me more than one line in your contact request so I know you're interesting and we can have a good chat . Just for the sake of the ad, some of my interests are music (almost all genres, I also make music and can play several instruments), sports ( swimming/archery ), video games (All genres), I mainly enjoy doing things with other people as it makes me happy.

In terms of what I want out of this, I want someone fairly controlling, personally I'm reasonably inexperienced, and thus I don't really have many limits, my main one being public at the moment, because I have friends in the area, but as i will mention, if I move to another place with a live in, I don't think I'd have any limits, and I've read all the usual limits that people have, and to be honest i dont think they're that terrible.

Another big thing that I think I ultimately need is almost always webcam on, I'm quite bad at disciplining myself and I also need a fair amount of attention, so someone with a sizeable amount of privacy and free time would be desirable, but if you think we can work around this, feel free to message me anyway.

I'm not going to list likes/dislikes/limits, as I think those things are best discussed in person, and I'm sure many people would agree with me, but as I mentioned above, in terms of limits i dont really have much, so I'm quite an open person.

The one thing I do desire however, as i mentioned in bold at the beggining of the post, is the fact that you have to be into me crossdressing/feminizing me all the time, otherwise this wont work, I really like being treated as a girl, and it helps me get into the mindset more as well.

About you:
I really like control, so if your timetable is very flexible and you're always available to skype I'd love to have you as my master.

Also another thing about a master would be, if you are living in australia, near Canberra, Melbourne or Sydney, I wouldn't mind doing a live in with you, if I am doing a live in with you, or we are doing a real life arrangement, I'd be willing to do basically anything for you, because I would feel that I trust you a lot due to the arrangement.

If it's online, please be aware that I need you to make a sizeable amount of time for me, for this to work, unfortunately I'm very time dependant and require some amount of attention, I'm really sorry about this, but I know it's the way I am.

Thanks for reading my add, drop me a message here, or preferably contact me on skype if you'd like to chat!

skype: silvereagle13579
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