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Old 08-22-2014, 11:22 AM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 301

Originally Posted by Leopard View Post
Hi I'm Definitely Not Leopard.

I am a brand new user who is not Leopard. This is my first post so it must count to your edgings. I wish.

What was the last thing that you fantasised about while alone? *blushes* Hm...About a certain man doing certain things to me. I was writing a story for a task and needed to figure out exactly where I was going with it... Let's just say it involved Kittens and spanking.

Did you really answer that honestly? Unfortunately, yes.

Did you have to hide something? I did, but only because I'm not supposed to talk about part of it, as per my Dom. Although he doesn't know that that will be coming up in the story!

Are you sure? Yes, very sure.

Would you like to be left alone with a bar of soap to think about your actions? As in to cleanse my thoughts? I would just have fun with the soap. :P Or for my mouth if I lied? Ick, no. I told the truth.
Hehe! Nice try. It was an excellent disguise, I was almost convinced, but that fur of yours is quite recognizable. If only it counted towards my edges!
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